I’m confused. There’s no trace of a Fastlane 3 on GitHub – the latest version there is v2.207.0. Installing the gem gives v2.207.0 too. And just a few days ago, the maintainer wrote “It's been almost 5.5 years since the fastlane 2.0 release. […] I don't have any concrete plans in mind for fastlane 3.0 yet.”: https://github.com/fastlane/fast...
So how is "Fastlane 3" the product of the day? As far as I can tell there’s absolutely no launch happening with Fastlane at all at the moment, there hasn’t been a big launch for years, and there won’t be another big launch for quite some time.
Using Fastlane for years now as part of our App Store Manager (aka a Fastlane GUI) service. In addition, with some own development a considerable time saver for app publishers.