Bram Kanstein (@bramk)

Favorize - Highlight, share and discover bite-size content

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Yoni Shechter
@bramk thanks for hunting! Hey Product Hunt, I’m the founder of Favorize. We want to make it easier for you to highlight, share and discover bite-size content. As Bram mentioned, you can use our Chrome extension (mobile apps coming soon) to highlight and share text from any web page. Next to this, we’re also building a community where people can share their discoveries for others to find. Anyone can search for subjects and tags they find interesting, even without being a member. I started Favorize to scratch my own itch. I’ve seen how my dad would highlight books and articles using his favorite two pens in the pre-internet era. He then migrated to copying an article into Outlook and annotating it in multiple colors before emailing it to coworkers, friends and family. That ought to be done easier ;) I’ve written a small background piece about Favorize here: Happy to hear your feedback and answer questions! πŸ€“πŸ™
Yoni Shechter
@ashwinkumar_k really appreciate the kind words! Thank you! πŸ€—
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
I’ve been looking at different tools to share text highlights from articles. After meeting Yoni on Twitter he showed me his tool Favorize, a simple Chrome extension that makes sharing highlights pretty easy.
Fred Rivett
This is cool Yoni. Huge congrats on launch day πŸŽ‰ As someone who's always taking photos of books or screenshots from articles I can see the use case here. The post to Twitter feature here is πŸ”‘ Signing up now 🀘 EDIT: Oh, just tried to login and its asking me for Facebook or Google. I'd love to see Twitter on there, as for me that's how I'll want to share things. Plus I distrust FB / Google so the less info I give them the better, for me. Signed up with Google anyways πŸ‘
Yoni Shechter
@fredrivett thanks for the support and input! Great to hear about post to Twitter πŸ€— We have enabled share to Twitter, but no sign-up (for now) in an attempt to keep high quality content and conversation thinking Facebook and Google kinda "verify" users' identities. Thoughts? We're still very early stage and in need of more feedback! Thanks!
Fred Rivett
@yonishechter Sure, if you've got reasons to limit away from Twitter. For me, as a Twitter user who rarely uses Facebook not having Twitter would probably have put me off if I hadn't known you. But you have to consider the bigger picture :)
Yoni Shechter
@fredrivett good to know. Thanks for the honest feedback πŸ‘Œ
Michael Malo
Woohoo! Happy to see Favorize here. Great job! Allow me to throw in an endorsement for Yoni, I only know him from Favorize but he's an awesome guy - welcoming of feedback and prompt to reply to any issues or comments. The best.
Yoni Shechter
@mrsideproject I'm blushing.. thanks for the ❀️ and your valuable feedback! I'm forever grateful πŸ™
Dre DurrπŸ’‘
I love the design! Very dope @yonishechter. I am a new fan
Yoni Shechter
@dredurr that means a lot!! thanks for the kind words! πŸ€—
Yoav Lapid
Increadible product Yoni. Slick look & feel and potentially a whole new way to discover awesome content you'd never come across on Facebook or think of googling. There are so many interesting stuff on the web that we don't know about, and a product like Favorize can actually make them accessible. Good luck!
Yoni Shechter
@yoav_lapid thanks for the kind words! really appreciate it! πŸ€—
Ari Litan
Yoni - great job making such an easy to use and slick product! This is definitely something I plan to use regularly. I would love to use this in messaging apps, have you thought about building a keyboard or integrating with the iMessage and or Facebook messenger?
Yoni Shechter
@arilitan thanks for the kind words! Actually didn't think about it.. will look into these integrations. Great idea! πŸ‘Œ
Haim Nissenson
Great idea to get straight to the point.
Yoni Shechter
@haim thanks for the kind words!! πŸ€—