Recently interviewed @JoshDoody about the intersection of entrepreneurship and writing. This guy's on top of his game right now. Love seeing Fearless Salary Negotiation diversified into multiple super useful mediums. Josh, it always seems like compensation packages are a black box. Everyone keeps it on the DL, so where should people go to research compensation, even if it's just to get a sense for where they stack up against the market average?
@urbnist Thanks for the kind words! I like the way you describe my work—diversified into multiple super useful mediums—because that's exactly what I'm going for! Different people learn in different ways and have different needs, especially with respect to timeliness. So I'm working to provide something that anyone can use when they need to negotiate!
Where can people go to research compensation and see how they stack up against the market average? My answer is pretty vanilla, but it's the best place to start:,, . I prefer to point people to those sites because they have a huge amount of data that they use to estimate salary ranges. Even just looking at those sites will give someone a very good idea where they stand relative to their market value.
Why I made these video coursesFearless Salary Negotiation began as a book, and now I've added these video courses. The book is great—I'm a big fan ;)—but I found that sometimes people needed to learn the material quickly and they wanted to review specific ideas for specific situations.
For example, they might be starting the interview process with a new company the next day, and they wanted to know how to prepare for the first conversation with a recruiter the next day. The book has them covered, but the video courses give them audio and video that helps them prepare and that allows them to review short segments a few times to make sure they're totally ready.
Different people have different learning styles, and some people just aren’t going to sit down and read a book, particularly for a non-fiction topic like salary negotiation. I built the video courses because I realized that many people will discover my book because they have a salary negotiation happening right now. For those people, the video courses are better because they can move through them quickly and they can hit specific lessons over and over again to get more comfortable with them. I think there’s a lot of value in having the option to go back and watch a 3-minute video of a concept you’re rusty on rather than searching the book to find that same concept. It’s like having me show you that concept rather than you reading it.
Rather than being a chapter you would read, it’s a series of short lessons you can watch and listen to. Some people learn better with video and audio together.
Throughout the video courses, I also stop and give action items, so it’s similar to coaching. “Here’s a concept. Now go back to your worksheet and do this thing before you continue.” And they give me a chance to present things in a way that I think will drive the strategy home better.
This Salary Upgrade Toolkit is a collection of three courses:
1. "How to get your next raise or promotion" is everything you need to maximize your salary at your current company.
2. "How to ace your next interview" will help you prepare for and excel in your job interviews with the goal of getting the best job offer possible.
3. "How to negotiate your starting salary" is a step-by-step guide to taking that job offer and leveraging it to maximize your starting salary when you start your new job.
These courses are evergreen, and you can come back to them over and over as you progress through your career. Happy where you are? "How to get your next raise or promotion" will help you make your next move at your current company. Ready to try something new? "How to ace your next interview" will help you get the best job offer possible and "How to negotaite your starting salary" will help you maximize your pay when you make a change so each move is as lucrative as possible.