save articles and read them later
Don Bytyqi

Feather — save articles and read them later

Feather allows you to save articles from any source and read them later offline, anywhere in a formatted way.
It makes reading much easier by removing clutter from webpages and formatting it into a way that is native on iOS across all devices.

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Faheem ud Din
How is it different from the Pocket?
Ghost Kitty
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Rik Schennink
Pretty bold to call your product feather and use the feather icon from https://feathericons.com/?query=... as your logo :D
Don Bytyqi
Feather allows you to save articles from any source and read them later offline, anywhere in a formatted way. Feather makes reading much easier by removing clutter from webpages and formatting it into a way that is native on iOS across all devices. Main features: - Clean reading experience. - Offline reading. - Quick save option to save articles from other iOS apps. - Text-to-speech. - Dark/light mode. - iCloud Sync Additional features: - Search articles by title or content. - Highlight a specific word. - Font editor, edit your text to your liking by editing font size, style, color, brightness and more. - Driving? No problem. Feather can have articles be narrated to you with it's text-to-speech feature. - Read/unread folder for better organization. - Share articles with your friends.
Siddhartha Jain
I hope there’s a downvote button for complete rip-off apps
Giacinto Carlucci
OMG Please consider to launch on Android also! I'm full of docs coming from everywhere!
Emma Jama
Cool idea!
Cookie Cardoso
Thanks for sharing!
Trixie Williams
Great work!!
Alfred Berm
Loved it. How would you define the different use-cases between this and Pocket?