We made the collection to celebrate the unique relationship with Mother-In-Laws. A special and sometimes awkward one. We hope you enjoy the cards. You can download Felt on your iPhone or iPad and actually send these in the mail. The real mail. itunes.apple.com/us/app/felt-handwritten-cards-photos/id921902664?mt=8
Some fun results from our campaign:
We ran two ads for the I've Seen Your Son Naked card. One on facebook and one on Instagram. Both targeted at women 18 - 54.
Instagram ad
- over 19,000 likes
- over 2,000 comments
- cost per engagement $0.02
- https://www.instagram.com/p/BE4a...
- over 40,000 people clicked through to the site
- we're attributing more than 500 app downloads
- cost per click $0.04 and still falling.
- CTR 10% on facebook
The site we put up had over 3,000 shares: https://feltapp.com/the-mother-i...
@joshuapinter We've been building product for three + years. And we're now finally able to start making cards we want to make. This is our first attempt at it so we're pumped you like em. Stay tuned for more.
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