Michael Dubakov

Fibery for Product Teams - All-in-one platform to invent, build and grow your products

Fibery is a connected workspace for product teams. It unites user research, ideation, strategic planning, product roadmapping, software development and customer feedback aggregation. Escape scattered tools and make better products with Fibery.

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Michael Dubakov
🌶 Hey Product Hunt, Fibery founder here. About a year ago we released Fibery 1.0. It was a generic release, and we learned where Fibery really helps companies and where it doesn't. We discovered that Fibery works great for small and medium product companies and connects several processes together. So we focused on exactly that and now I'm happy to introduce Fibery for Product teams release. It's a connected workspace that unites all important product development processes together: - User Research to conduct interviews, identify pain points, and find out why your latest glorious idea won't work. - Ideation to write insightful documents and create beautiful diagrams. - Strategic planning, roadmapping, and backlog management to keep everything on track. - Software Development to not use JIRA. - Customer Feedback aggregation to improve the product, and turn each release day into Boxing Day for your customers. We definitely eat our own dog food, so check how we use Fibery to create Fibery. And the icing on a cake, Fibery is free for startups. If your annual revenue is less than ours, scroll down and apply here. Michael Founder, Fibery
Christoph Burchartz
The best tool you can find... ... IF you are looking for a swiss army knife that encourages you to think first (what do I really need) and then find the best fitting tool there is. I've been a fibery user (or more so an evangelist) for about a year now and my verdict (from my perspective) is quite simple: THIS IS IT! OK, I have to admit that the learning curve can be rather steep - at least if you want to unleash the full mind blowing power of Fibery. But that goes for all the great tools out there (or can you imagine a designer saying that mastering Photohop is a piece of cake?) But take a deep breath and think about all of those wasted hours you tried to make Trello & Co understand your tiny (but very important) deviations of the "standard workflow". With fibery, there is very little "standard workflow" (again: this might overwhelm you in the beginning) - on the contrary, you'll find a nifty and carefully curated set of data-types, views and logic - this is all you'll need! No standard labels (that don't apply to your business case) or workflow x which totally ignores your way of doing it. It's all up to you (which can and will be a bit scary I admit). Within the last 6 month, I have started to migrate literally EVERY persistent process from my company (30+ people, eCommerce agency) to fibery. This includes huge projects (bye bye JIra & Confluence) with customer involvement, our internal wiki, our administration, Forecasting, HR-processes and much more. In addition to that, I started using Fibery for many other organizational aspects of my life: Organizing my band and gigs, expenditure with my family, sports activities and much more! I strongly encourage you (yes you) to take some time and a deep dive into the realm of Fibery! You'll need some endurance - but it'll be worth every drop of sweat and tears. The best for last: The Fibery team is a great, funny, modest and humble bunch of well educated people! For that alone you should try out Fibery and get in touch with them. They share a clear and honest vision for they tool which goes way beyond the usual "let's create a cool tool that many people will buy and we'll be rich soon"-shit! I've had many (many) zoom- and feedback sessions with them and they were all inspiring and very focused! This tool will radically change the way we'll handle data distribution and visualization! And it will change elaborate the way you think! Best wishes Chris ps. They usually deploy new features once a week! That alone makes you love the tool! New stuff to play with every week!
Michael Dubakov
@christoph_bu Wow, thank you for the extensive review! 🌶 I hope we can add this review to our web site :)
Ihnat Kandrashou
With Fibery and little effort, our small team of 6 people managed to build our own, custom and cozy management process. Product and project management, task tracking, roadmapping, documentation and even candidates interview notes in one place. Flexibility is a power :)
Michael Dubakov
@ihnat_kandrashou Indeed! Thank you for the review and glad you like Fibery.
Cioaca Virgil
We switched from Coda and a few others to Fibery. Super flexible tool, especially for software companies... it lets you manage the entire business using this single application.
Michael Dubakov
@virgilci Cool! What you still miss in Fibery that you liked in Coda?
An amazing and very flexible tool! Using it for our dev purposes
Michael Dubakov
@yury_shlaganov Thank you for the comment! Hope you will spread it to other processes eventually and get even more value.
Helene Malyutina
Love-love-love Fi-be-ry!
Toby Wilson
Learning curve to begin with, but heaven after that. We're an unusual use case. We have a complex business and trade internationally across 3 different entities. It's been quite difficult to find a software that can manage everything we need it for. Enter Fibery. We organize and run live physical events, online events, sell physical products online that we ship internationally (and need to stocktake) in multiple currencies with different tax rates. We have the need for a sales pipeline, CRM and we want real time reporting across all of this. We offer payment plans in different currencies with different tax rates and want to be able to have the payment plans update automatically when we receive payments (in a separate system) and we also need reporting on failed payments that need follow up. We also want to see what's outstanding for a particular customer group in real time at the click of a button and be able to click a button and see how much we've spent on shipping x,y,z products to a particular country. And we want everything to be interconnected. Find me another platform that can do all that for the price of Fibery. If it exists, I don't know about it. If I had a wishlist, the two main features I'd like to see added are in-app real time messaging among users (of course there is a pre-built Slack integration, but I'd much prefer to have it in-app) and web forms (which I believe is on the roadmap but will have to wait it out for that). When you think Fibery, think flexible interconnectivity. You don't need to be able to code, but you get special super powers if you can.
Michael Dubakov
@toby_wilson1 Thank you for the review! We do consider Forms in the future, but not sure about in-app real time messaging. Eventually, we'll get there, but it is hard to promise timeframe.
El Gzave
We are progressively migrating all our Product management follow-up in Fibery and so far we are thrilled with the tool. UX is so smooth compared to other tools we've used. So we're actually moving tickets and using fine-grained follow-up, which we always had trouble to do before with other tools. Of course the other huge upside is the ability to progressively link all entities together, so that Goals & Deliverables are connected to Business Cases & Accounts, but also Offers, Product Marketing Artifacts etc... at least it's how we do it (we adapted the workspace to our needs) and so far the organisation is really enjoying it ! What I actually appreciate most is the fact that we are very progressively building up the organisation of information in the tool the way we want.
Michael Dubakov
@el_gzave Thank you for the review!
Alexandra Cote
The UI sure is sleek!
Michael Dubakov
@alexandra_m_co_e Thanks! We try to be modern.
Steve Yang
Looks like already removed 500 entities limitations for free (solo) user ? Actually, I still like Fibery than other PM toolS, bcz Fibery have Highly integrated in the currently market. But looks like still doesn't much popular, why ? problem is Price? No referral link ?
Michael Dubakov
@steve_yang1 Limitation is gone indeed. I hope this post explains something https://medium.com/fibery/all-in...
Oshyan Greene
As many others have said, what defines Fibery and sets it apart is its flexibility and the interconnection of information in different workflows that can result. There is no other tool that can be quite as flexible while remaining easy to use and accessible even at the administrator-level. There are more powerful systems, or aspects of tools like e.g. Coda that can do things that Fibery can't (yet) do, but in the vast majority of cases it is more complex and difficult to set things up in those tools. Fibery does a great job of balancing flexibility with ease of use at all levels. Since this flexibility is its main strength, it is not necessarily going to compete directly with some dedicated tools in particular areas of work. If you are happy with the structure of existing tools and the connection of your data that is already available to you (or not) in other systems, then it's not going to provide you much benefit. Setting it up to work in these kinds of "standard" ways is absolutely possible, it just takes time. But even in that case, if you anticipate a likelihood of growing needs over time, you may be able to save yourself time, money, or both by creating a more "standard" workflow in Fibery that you can then expand and customize for your changing needs. If you are like me, and many other startups and other small businesses, and your needs don't seem to be covered "out of the box" by any existing tool, then you'll find Fibery to be a breath of fresh air. I run a real estate development company, hardly what you would consider the core use case for Fibery, and yet it adapted extremely well to our needs. Imagine being able to track every aspect of a property, from financial data (buy/sell price, annual taxes, etc.), to development (site improvements, studies, etc.), to maintenance (backflow testing, brush clearing and trash removal), and then relate that to equally comprehensive data on development projects, property sales or purchase processes, loans, contacts and companies, and more. All the data interconnects and can be segmented as much (or as little) as you want, which makes it better even than some other tools (like e.g. Airtable) that may be able to implement a similar level of detail for databases, but which are far more cumbersome and limited in terms of access to and interconnection of data. One of the dangers of flexible, "no code" platforms is that because the UI is not customized, it is easy for your own administration and setup to result in sub-par UX for the actual users of the system. In Fibery this is possible too, of course, but unlike many other tools the core UI and UX are in general much more well thought-out, which helps to minimize the chance that the flexibility and customization lets you create a fundamentally frustrating UX for people. A good example of this in comparison to Notion 2.0 is that Rich Text Fields in Fibery can be repositioned anywhere, and you can have as many as you want per "Entity" (what Notion calls "pages"). In Notion, even with the newer ability to hide some Properties, you *still* have all your DB properties at the top of the page, above your rich text content. For some situations this is desirable, but for many others it's not. Fibery has fields *alongside* the rich text area(s), which is much, much better UX. That's just one example of where Fibery's team clearly thought through the user experience much more than Notion did as it built out flexible features and customization. The other thing I want to mention is that the team behind Fibery has a lot of good experience (@michael_dubakov helped found Target Process ) and I think this is partly responsible for their excellent consistency in feature updates and fixes (often weekly releases, monthly at a minimum). The transparency of the dev process has also been great, with (mostly) monthly updates from Michael on the progress of the product, including setbacks, challenges, etc. This is really refreshing when compared to products like Notion which are the opposite of transparent, and where you only find out about the reason for big delays and challenges well after the fact (e.g. API, localization), if at all. In addition to this they have an active user community in their forums, where several of the team also interact fairly frequently. Again this contrasts sharply with tools like Notion where, yes sometimes you'll get an acknowledgement on e.g. Twitter, but real conversations back and forth seldom happen, and *never* with the actual devs (it's always indirect, with a support rep, etc.). I've had detailed and specific feature discussions with the Fibery team and it's incredibly satisfying to have that much input into the process. Of course not everything will be implemented exactly as I prefer, but to know my voice is being listened to is so much more satisfying than the opaque interactions with other companies. Now of course Fibery is not perfect. They are still relatively early in development and miss a lot of features you may already depend on in other tools. One of the biggest and most important in my view is proper "notifications". There is a "Notifications" button, but the actual use of it is cumbersome and limited, and there is little "active" notification functionality. The best you can do is have all notifications sent to email, which works for letting you know of some things, but is still not ideal. There is no date-based notification, for example! So indeed you will not get a notification (yet) when a "due date" comes. I know this is something they're working on, along with many other things. And we are making do in the meantime without it. The other capabilities we get from the existing functionality already make it a better tool for our needs than anything else we've seen out there, and we've looked at *a lot*, from the well-knowns like Coda, Airtable, and Notion 2.0, to lesser-knowns like Infinity, Ninox, Tabidoo, and more.
Michael Dubakov
@oshyan_greene Wow, thank you so much for extensive review! Really appreciate it ❤️
Arpit Choudhury
Wow this looks really really good! Excited to check out the updated version!
Michael Dubakov
@irhymeth Thanks! Let us know what do you think after trying Fibery. We listen to all feedback.
Bogdan Ionita
Looks hella good, congrats!
Michael Dubakov
@bogdan_ionita Thank you!
Chris Framigthon
Fantastic product. Good luck with the launch.
Daria Telepova
Fiber is flexible power. The best tools we've used. The UX is so friendly and straightforward. Excited to wait the updated version!
Michael Dubakov
@daria_t Thank you!
Ruslan  Heller
I've been using Fibery for about 3 months and it's a great experience so far. Guys definitely know what they do, their blog is a masterpiece and their sense of humor is on another level, I can't help showing this page to my friends https://fibery.io/anxiety. Kudos!
Michael Dubakov
@ruslan_ibraimov Thank you! We are trying to enjoy what we do and having fun.
Denis Kondratovich
Amazing product!
Andrew Fan
Great tool, congrats on launch 🔥 The best tool to manage your business processes!
Sergey Kopov
Great tool! I wish the team success!
Ulad Bohdan
We've been using Fibery to develop and power our non-commercial project for about 15 months so far. Great tool which becomes more awesome with every update!
Michael Dubakov
@uladbohdan We are happy that Fibery bring some value!