Chris Messina

Filma - High-end video editing on the go for iPhone, iPad and Mac

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Filma is here to simplify the complex, giving all users; from experienced editors to first-time hobbyists, the ability to create powerful video compositions in a fast and effective manner.
Advanced features include Masking, Keyframing or Motion Tracking.

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Craig Paterson
I really like the look of this app. Downloading now! Does the Premium plan have to be purchased on each platform? Or is it shared?
Miguel Lorenzo
@craigcpaterson Thanks for downloading!! The Premium Plan is linked to your Apple ID, thus if you have an iPad, iPhone and Mac with the same Apple ID you can just purchase it in one device and restore it on the others and will get it automatically.
Craig Paterson
@craigcpaterson @mig_loren Thank you for that – purchasing now! Looking forward to using the app to it’s full potential now.
Miguel Lorenzo
Thank you a lot 🙏@craigcpaterson Hope you enjoy it and find it useful!
Miguel Lorenzo
Hi everyone! Some of you may find Filma familiar since last year I launched this amazing video editing app for iPad and had really good feedback from the community. I'm now really excited to announce a much advanced and improved version of Filma but most importantly, the arrival of Filma to iPhone and Mac. After receiving a lot of feedback, requests and listening to our users and with a lot of effort during this past year, we've made a much more powerful, easy to use and flexible app. I'd love to tell you about the multiple features that I've been adding during the past year but let me first introduce myself: I'm Miguel, a software engineer from Spain living and working in Sydney - Australia. I created Filma as a side project to help me with my video editions on my iPad in 2019 and after finding that could be really useful for many other users I worked and coded to finally and officially launch it last year. Today Filma is becoming bigger and wider giving you the opportunity to edit videos easily on the go on iPhone, iPad and Mac. Filma's main goal is to give time back to the creators, so they can spend more time in the moments that fuel their stories. Everyone has a story, everyone has the potential to create and the power to inspire. And while social media has given us all a platform to tell these stories, we don’t all have the tools to do them justice. Filma is a simple and easy to use video editing app that gives everyday creators and storytellers the ability to craft and produce professional grade videos. Professional editing doesn’t mean hrs. behind a screen mastering complex tasks. It doesn’t mean more time editing than experiencing the moments we aspire to share. Technology should give us time back, so we can get the best out of every day. Filma is designed to do just this, allowing users to accomplish complex editing tasks in a fraction of the time. The fact that Filma was initially built for iPad has allowed us to refine and simplify our interface, while focusing on our core feature sets we know our users value. At the same time, we have been able to experiment with new solutions which we believe will not only enhance the overall experience, but provide access to functionality that would not have previously been accessible to everyone. We have since taken these learnings and evolved the app across the three main Apple platforms; MacOS, iPhone and iPad. The experience is tailored and optimised to each platform by using MacCatalyst support, ensuring we provide a rich experience across each. The goal of Filma is to simplify the complex, giving all users; from experienced editors to first-time hobbyists, the ability to create powerful video compositions in a fast and effective manner. We always want to ensure that Filma is easy to use, accessible and fast, while still providing the expected level of professional functionality previously reserved for expensive software. Filma has all the features you would expect a top tier video editing app to include plus more!. Advanced features include: - Multi track video composer with numerous operations to help merge clips and create unique compositions. - Advanced masking that can be adjusted and animated along the time. - Keyframe pretty much everything (intensity, position, rotation, color, size, filter, etc). - Motion & face tracking with Machine Learning (that can be linked to any position based property like zoom, lights, text, stickers or video stabilisation purposes). - iOS 14 Body Pose Detection enabled through CoreML (create automatic highly customisable stick figure out of any body detection on the footage). - Adjustment Mask (apply all kind of filters, adjustments or effects only on certain areas determined by a keyframeable mask). - Lights, Distortions, Focus (extra post processing effects that will help you create the perfect scene - keyframe and motion tracking compatible). - Automation for values (automatic values for any property - eg. change rotation angle by using a ‘sine’ function along the time so the object can continuously rotate). - Generators (create editable and keframeable background like solid colors, gradients, etc). - Import free media (video and audios) to help create quick compositions. - Speed adjustment for clips. - Master track - Apply any kind of adjustment generically to the whole composition without going one by one clip (it saves time when you need the same adjustments or applies final touches to your existing compositions like handheld effect, color filter or film bars). - New extra effects added (revers, motion blur, tiles, mirror, motion simulations, etc). - All the features that Filma (iPad version) included already (built in FX, adjustments, transitions, LUTs, layers, texts, GIFs, green screen, blend modes, etc). - Many more small features and UI/UX improvements worth discovering TODAY! Filma has been a constant growing video editing app with very frequent updates - most of the times at a weekly release pace (with new features, bug fixes and improvements included) and it will continue adding more and more features since I believe that there is so much that we can do to make the task of editing easy, fast and accessible to everyone. One of the things that I want to highlight is the fact that you have the control to decide if Filma is useful and interesting to you. The app is FREE to download and you get to use all filters, all adjustments, pretty much everything including the export of your videos allowing you to check by yourself if the app does what you are looking for. Get the Premium Plan only if you think it's worth it. There are only a few limitations for non premium users such as watermark or lower quality exports, but again, you'll be able to know if that's what you need with no blocking screens. Celebrating the launch of Filma on iPhone, iPad and Mac and only during this week, you'll get the Premium Plan on a 50% discounted price. Download Filma and GET THE PLAN SOON before the offer ends on next Sunday (January 17). Before finishing, just wanted to let you know that we have an exciting roadmap and our backlog is full of amazing innovative features (more Machine Learning based features, automation, accessibility, cool effects and filters, etc) that will be seeing the light soon -> Next week is our new upcoming update! Thank you a lot @chrismessina for your support, I really appreciate it ⭐️ Please check it out and I'd love to get some feedback 🙏☺️ Miguel.
Csaba Kissi
@chrismessina @mig_loren I'm sure you do not want to compete with Final Cut Pro and thats totally OK. Because if this app can really do all of these things you mentioned then for the price I see on the Appstore it must be a no brainer for those who need powerfull video editor. 👏
Miguel Lorenzo
@csaba_kissi Thank you for your words! So far, it’s what it can do plus more features coming soon 🙏🙌🏽
Max Prilutskiy
Congrats on the launch! 💯
Miguel Lorenzo
@prilutskiy thank you!! 🙏
Matthew  Gramovich
Nice job, guys! It looks great
Miguel Lorenzo
@matvey_gramovich thank you 🙏🙌
Bryan Seok
Looks really good !!! I stopped editing videos for now, but I will try it when I'm ready again!
Miguel Lorenzo
@bryanseok thank you!! Hope Filma helps you get back to it! 🙌
Jim Engine
Good work. Looks interesting for Instagram lovers.
Miguel Lorenzo
@officialexaking Thank you!! yeah I think Instagrammers and TikTokers will love it. I have plenty of examples of short videos made with filma on my pinned tweet at mig_loren 🎬 (and in no time seriously ☺️)
Jeremy Ruston
Filma is a really impressive piece of work and deserves to be much more widely known. On the iPad, it's a direct competitor to LumaFusion, but much more ambitious, and considerably more fun to use. For example, all the LumaFusion effects work as if they are primitive PhotoShop effects applied to single frames in isolation while Filma has a bunch of effects that work across frames, like the very easy to use motion tracking. The chromakey feature is so good that I bought a green sheet. One of the things that makes Luma fun is that Miguel has been relentless in adding new features in the months I've been using it. Kudos on a great product, highly recommended.
Miguel Lorenzo
@jeremyruston Thank you so much for your support and insightful appreciation of all the features. I really appreciate you feedback and motivates me to keep going with the hard work to make a greater video editing app. Thank you! @jeremyruston
Brian Miller
This is a product that I have been looking forward to for so long.
Miguel Lorenzo
@brianmiller73 Thank you! Hope you find it useful!
Nadezhda Krukovskaya
Hey, hope your app will be much more popular in future!
Miguel Lorenzo
@nadezhda_krukovskaya Thanks for your wishes! 🙏
Albert Miró
Amazing work! Well done! Congrats!
Miguel Lorenzo
@albert_miro Thank you Albert! 🙏
David Jacobs
Read about it, Downloaded it, Tried it, Bought it! Well done on bringing powerful video editing to noob users.
Miguel Lorenzo
@djacobsinoz Thank you David, really appreciate it. Glad that you find it useful and powerful 🙏
Thomas Skavhellen
Just downloaded it on my Mac. Super exited. Opened the app and are stuck with a Welcome Message that don't want to go away. Not sure where to click and I can't click anything else when the Welcome message is up and active. Can't even close the app. What am I missing? :-(
Miguel Lorenzo
@skavhellen Sorry you need to scroll down to read the whole introduction. Will make the scroll more obvious for Mac versions on next update! Thanks for the feedback.🙏
Travis Page
Excited to try this out. We edit an insane amount of footage on Premier Rush, so stoked to see how this stacks up!
Miguel Lorenzo
@travispage Thank you! 🙏 Hope you find it useful!
Nicole Fields
Miguel Lorenzo
@nicolefields1 Thanks! 🙌🏽
John Koa
Extra-Special Work
Miguel Lorenzo
@johnkoa 🙏 Thanks!
Christine Brown
Looks very useful
Mary S. Mendoza
Wow, congrats on all of the praise you're getting here on your product!
Miguel Lorenzo
@marysmendoza Thank you!! 🙏
R Di Zazzo
Filma is great. LumaFusion is not even close to do what Filma does.
Miguel Lorenzo
@wazorare Thank you for your words. Hope we get even better :) Exciting new features coming.
Ben Lonz
Having an issue where the preview pane is permanently black on my M1 MacBook Air. Not sure what to do - have tried force quitting ect
Miguel Lorenzo
@ben_lonstein Hi Ben, sorry to hear about that. DM you in Twitter, we can discuss the details of your scenario to find out about that M1 issue.