Find a Men's Group is a free directory for men looking to...find a men's group.
Folks can filter by location, type of meeting (e.g. retreats, weekly virtual meetings), and audience (e.g. youth, veterans).
And that's it.
I've led men's groups for the last 5 years and I find it wild that while men's groups exist everywhere, there's no easy way for interested men to find them.
To help friends find groups, over time I built what I believe is the largest spreadsheet of men's groups in the US and world. Eventually it made sense to make this a tool.
If you have a men's group that you'd like to add to the site, please submit it! There's a link on the top right of the page to do so.
And thank you to all the men's groups dedicated to helping dudes dig deep. Hopefully this tool helps you.