Lawrence Holmes

Find Your Best Festival 2018 - Compare the artists you follow with 1500 festival lineups ☀️

I remade this app, which I posted last year, for 2018 with an all new design and new features!

Connect using Spotify, Facebook or Songkick to compare the music you follow with festival lineups across the world. Filter your results by region or artist to find the perfect festival for you.

This app is built with React and is Serverless ⚡️

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Lawrence Holmes
Hey everyone, super excited to share this year's version of Best Festival! You can use this website to compare all the artists you follow with festival lineups from all over the world. Just connect with your platform(s) of choice and hit GO! I launched the 2017 version about this time last year on Product Hunt and received some great feedback from the community - looking forward to hearing what people think this year. I rebuilt the app from the ground up based on the feedback from last year, and implemented a few other improvements that I wanted to make as well. New features: - A revamped design that is more responsive, and does a better job of highlighting your top festivals. - A faster experience — as opposed to last year, the app is now built with serverless technology and handles all of the festival matching logic remotely, which should mean quicker results. - More festivals! From a few hundred festivals in 2017, this year your artists will be compared to the lineups of over 1500. - Connect with all three platforms (Spotify, Facebook and Songkick) at once if you want. This is handy if you use more than one of them, because it allows you to compare all the artists that you follow at once. - By clicking on your favourite artists, you can now highlight them wherever they appear across all the festivals - they become brightly coloured, so it's super easy to spot your favourites as you scroll through the list. - Once you've highlighted your favourites, you can also filter the results so that you only see the festivals with artists that you care the most about. - Some festivals have a Spotify icon on them. Click this to be taken to a Lineup Playlist for that festival, containing the tracks that each of the artists most commonly play live. If you give it a go, please let me know what you think!
@lawrhol Took seconds to log in with my Spotify and receive recommendations based on artists I listen to, even discovered a new festival I never heard of although it did leave out one I would have expected to see ... how does it prioritize suggestions based on the data? I really really like this, one of my fave things I've seen posted in a while 😄
Lawrence Holmes
@abadesi glad to hear it worked out, and thanks for your kind words! It only prioritises based on the number of matches right now, so if you have multiple festivals with the same number of matches, the 'ranking' does not hold much relevance. I would like to add some logic to weight the results based on how much a user likes them somehow, but that's probably something for next year's iteration. Let me know which festival is missing and I'll make sure to add it later on! cheers!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@lawrhol any plans to support SoundCloud?
Lawrence Holmes
@chrismessina I'd have to look into the SoundCloud API, but if it provides an endpoint for fetching the artists that a user listens to or tracks, then I don't see why not! Will put that on my todo.
👍Good work! Awesome way to figure and fill out my festival schedule for this summer.
Ben Levy
hey @lawrhol, This is really awesome! Have you thought about actually connecting this to help purchase tickets to each festival? Thanks, Ben
Lawrence Holmes
@benmlevy Hey Ben, cheers! And thanks for your question. That is something that I've thought about, yes, but isn't a super high priority to me, as this functionality is provided when you click through to the Songkick event (and another consideration is that providing an alternate purchase method might actually conflict with the Songkick API's terms of use). Alongside this, I feel like a lot of planning usually goes into actually going to a festival, and I'm doubtful that anyone would go through with an actual ticket purchase having used this tool. Maybe I'm wrong on that, what do you think?
Ben Levy
@lawrhol I think you're right, it may be a bit far off in the process. But i do think tools to bring users closer to actually buying tickets may be valuable. I.E. looking at how close festivals are to where they live, if any friends are going, etc
Lawrence Holmes
@benmlevy absolutely agree! That kind of stuff is more in line with the direction I'd like this to go - helping users make their decision, and being able to share that decision. And you're right, things like how close the user is, how much the festival costs, would be great for that. Something that I definitely would like to add is the ability for a user to share their top festivals, and then for friends to be able compare festivals together, cause ultimately you want to be going to a festival with your friends. Keep an eye out for the 2019 version for these features!
Antonio Viggiano
Very nice product. I wish there was a Region filter for "Latin America" instead of just "Rest"
Lawrence Holmes
@aviggiano Thank you! And sorry about that, I know it's not ideal. It is like that mainly due to laziness on my part in coming up with a decent UX for listing all of the regions. When I find time I'll definitely be adding a menu of regions instead of 'Rest'.
Anjelica Jordan
I've tried it several times in 2017, satisfied :)
Celine Hau
Love it. But one of the artists I like on FB هيفاء وهبي (Haifa Wehbe) is incorrectly matching with a bunch of festival results. Something wrong with character matching?