Track portfolios of institutional investors.
Dev Singh — Track portfolios of institutional investors
FinTok is an innovative platform that allows you to follow in the footsteps of the world's most successful investors. With FinTok, you can track the portfolios of legends like Warren Buffet and see exactly where the "smart money" is being invested.
Johan Steneros
Really useful to get some good market insights.
Dev Singh
@jsteneros Ty Johan. Really appreciate the kind words!
Carl Shaver
Whats the source of the data?
Dev Singh
@carl_shaver It's all from the investors filling to the SEC.
Dev Singh
What are some of the investors you would love to see here?
Rhymer Espinosa
@dev_singh Congrats on the launch! <3 This looks super helpful.
Farisa Ottaviano
@dev_singh Wow, that's really impressive! FinTok sounds like a great way to learn from the best and stay up-to-date on the latest investment trends. We would love to see investors such as Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, Mark Cuban, and George Soros here.
Dev Singh
@farisa_ottaviano Those are some great suggestions. Thank you for the kind words.
Awee Gee
@dev_singh Merry Christmas! Cheers to your launch Dev!
Manas Sharma
@dev_singh congrats on the launch 🚀 this looks really nice 🥳
steve beyatte
where does the data come from?
Dev Singh
@steveb It's all from the investors filling to the SEC.
Rajan Walia
Nice one, Congrats on the launch
Dev Singh
That’s an interesting concept. Would one be able to follow different asset class strategies as well? I mean, credit vs equity etc?
Dev Singh
@alex_epsi hmm not at the moment but it's an interesting idea. I'll look into it for sure, Thank you!!
Huy Ngo
Wow that is new! Congrat on your launch!
Dev Singh
@huy_xuan Ty for the kind words!!
Binay Singh
This is very helpful!! Congrats!!
Shubham Pratap Singh
Congratulations on the launch🎉.
Richard Meng
Wow, great product. This can be really useful!
Dániel Kővári
congrats on the launch @dev_singh
Sanya Sharma
Gladys Atienza
Interesting! @dev_singh That sounds like a great way to learn from the best investors in the world.
Kamal Mehta
Interesting congratulations
Dev Singh
@kamalmehta Thank you!
congratulations on the product launch
Shon Paunan
This looks awesome, congratulations!
Dev Singh
@sharon_paunan Thank you Shon
Evgeny Smertin
Guddo khan
Very good and useful product.....
Dev Singh
@guddo_khan Thank you!
MJ Maquiling
All the best on your launch @dev_singh !