Nick Abouzeid

Fire for Tinder - A/B test your Tinder photos with actual data 📊


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Brilliant work, I can't wait to see how it works for me!
Josh Cohen
@mkorevec @3raxton The swipe rates are definitely accurate as they come straight from Tinder's API. The most likely reason you might be seeing 100% swipe left is that you haven't had Tinder's "Smart Photos" feature turned on for long enough for it to gather data. We definitely don't force people to buy the IAP. It works, just needs to have "Smart Photos" turned on long enough to gather data.
@jshchnz my apologies. I had no idea what Smart Photos had to do with it and I would appreciate it if my previous comment was disregarded. Please feel free to email me to discuss more by email
Marko Korevec
@3raxton @jshchnz Apologies from me aswell, you should have a dialog in the app saying you need smart photos enabled :)
Dre Durr💡
I'm really shocked Tinder doesn't have this already Dope 🚬🚬
Moshe/Moses Isaacian
I'm a simple man: I see a way to get more matches on TInder, I upvote the product
Josh Cohen
Hey ProductHunt, Huge fan of the community here 😺. We’ve worked some magic to get the secret number you probably don’t want to see… what percentage of people swiped right on your Tinder profile photos. Let us know any questions you have, we’re here to answer! Thanks, Josh + Noah
Abhinav Sharma
That's great concept picked from you and your team Josh! Small small things matters in Tinder and you grasped that perfectly. Wondering for some cool little and worthy updates. Would love to know how you knowing the likes/dislikes of photo. At moment, Login with Facebook app stuck in endless loop, so have to login with mobile browser. Great going with Fire!
I love this idea. I think every dating/matchmaking/escorting platform should offer this to their users.
Could this come to android soon?