Automatically record, search, and collaborate your meetings.
Krish Ramineni
fireflies.ai + x.ai β€” Record & transcribe meetings scheduled via x.ai
fireflies.ai & x.ai have partnered to automate the entire meeting process from scheduling to note-taking
πŸ“£ record & transcribe your x.ai meetings
πŸ” search back through your conversations
πŸ“ share recaps & notes with your team
Sathya Peri
Congrats my man!! This is huge!
Dennis R. Mortensen
@gosathya We think so and appreciate the shout here. :)
Krish Ramineni
Hi Product Hunt πŸ‘‹, We are releasing a brand new integration for fireflies.ai in partnership with x.ai If you're using x.ai to schedule your meetings, you can now have those meetings automatically recorded and transcribed by Fireflies! How it works: Our AI assistant Fred, (fred@fireflies.ai) can be invited as a participant on any x.ai meeting event. Fireflies will join at the start of the meeting to record & transcribe the meeting. Make sure there is a valid video-conferencing link on the x.ai invite. Afterwards, you'll get a recap, notes, and highlights that you can search through in your fireflies dashboard. Using the integration: 1. Press schedule meeting inside the Fireflies dashboard and choose x.ai 2. Alternatively, go to the integrations section and hit activate with x.ai Meeting platforms supported: Zoom Google Meet (GSuite) MSFT Teams Webex GotoMeeting Uberconference Bluejeans Lifesize Skype We're excited to help automate the two most time consuming aspects of your workday. Try out the new workflow and let us know if you have any questions/feedback!
Ajay Saini
Looks amazing! Congratulations team :)