@craiginwales YES. The power of words is underestimated, especially by non-designers. I wish business students at university were taught to care deeply for the words they present to their customers.
Look carefully and you'll notice that many of the most successful designs are built around words. Apple tantalises us with the ability to hold "1,000 songs in your pocket". MailChimp has created a wonderfully engaging brand, heavily focused around language.
Words lie at the heart of what we create as designers and an understanding of how they might be used will make you better at your craft. Just like an understanding of grid systems, colour theory and typography are essential for the practicing designer, we must take responsibility for the words that make up the content we shape.
In this book The Standardistas demonstrate how a respect for the craft of words can lead to better and more engaging user experiences and add an often overlooked, but important element, to your design toolbox.
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