@francisperron even if you don't agree with Trump, it doesn't take a lot to understand why he's popular. He's the anti-establishment, and it's not always what he says, but with the zeal and honesty that he says it. A lot of people in this country are tired of voting for politicians (and rightly so), so they're choosing to stand behind the one candidate that isn't... for better or worse. The reasons aren't really that different from why democrats are choosing to back Sanders.
@johnalxndr@francisperron This is fascinating to me. I always wonder why politics seem to be so polarizing. Everyone (I assume) wants what is best but all I hear is fanaticism and hatred. But PH isn't the right place to talk about this.
This looks great!
Does the FB Graph API add the date a "like" was pressed? Would be curious to see the change over time...
I would also be curious on public posts / article sharing related to specific candidates/parties, showing the "engaged" population compared to passive likes.
A much better proxy to "winning" than page likes might be engagement (post likes, comments, video views and shares). Page Likes are like "follow" it doesn't always mean actual liking. Additionally, people "like" so many pages these days that it's hard to get on someone's newsfeed unless they actually engage with the page.
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