Simon Peter Damian

FlashApply - The smartest job application copilot on the planet

Harness the power of AI to streamline your job applications, save time, and effectively target the right opportunities

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Simon Peter Damian
Launching soon!
Hi everyone, Despite an unplanned early launch, I'm excited to introduce you to FlashApply. FlashApply is here—a bit sooner than expected, it introduces a better way for job seekers to approach job applications. This launch was not planned; an oversight on our end led to the automatic launch due to forgetting to schedule our launch for a later date. Yet, here we are, and I'm thrilled to share with you the journey and the magic behind FlashApply. Our Journey: --- It all started with a mission to simplify the job application process. We noticed how challenging it was to keep up with the flood of opportunities across various job platforms, applying to opportunities as soon as they are posted, or repetitively filling out the same application over and over again, and tailoring each application differently. Job searching is a job in itself, and that's where FlashApply steps in—a tool that uses automation + AI to make the job search effortless. How FlashApply Works: --- FlashApply automates your search, apply, and submit process. It all starts with you defining a job target, which is an ideal profile of the type of job you are looking for. - Search: Our system starts searching for matches from various job sources. Note that this search is scheduled and not instantaneous but runs repeatedly every day. We prioritize jobs posted in the last 24 hours, with a fallback mechanism that looks up to a week back if needed. - Matching: Using our custom-tuned LLM, we match you to jobs that we find. This match works by building a knowledge base of yours when you sign up. The knowledge base is built from your resume, questions you answered when you signed up, and future questions you answer for each job application. If you are not a match for a job, you will not be applied. - Apply: After a successful match, your own personal knowledge base is used to fill out the application form for each job. Each job application also gets a personalized cover letter. - Submit: This is the final step; because FlashApply runs in two modes, you can choose whether to autosubmit applications or not. By default, job applications are not autosubmitted but are only submitted when you turn this feature on. Achievements and Offers: --- Since we started late last year, we have had over 3,000 job applications submitted successfully through FlashApply, and a few of our users have secured job interviews. Where are this job sourced from? --- We started out as a tool to automate LinkedIn Easy Apply jobs, noticing how crowded LinkedIn Easy Apply jobs are, we have moved away from linked and now source directly from companies' ATS. (Note: Our LinkedIn Chrome extension is still available for its initial purpose.). We integrate with greenhouse, lever, jobvite, ash, cornerstone and this integration is growing by the day. FlashApply is a small team of only 2 people. We'd love your feedback and support. Please give it a try and share it with your community. Let us know what you think. Again, this wasn't a planned launch, but I'm glad it happened automatically anyway.
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
@theterminalguy good cause! Do you have integration with Jooble?
Simon Peter Damian
Launching soon!
@sasha_buratynskyi not at this time but we'd be sure to add soon if it aligns with our values
Simon Peter Damian
Launching soon!
Garen Orchyan
Looks great, big congrats on the launch team. Good luck to you today 🦄❤️
Simon Peter Damian
Launching soon!
Thank you @orchyan
André J
Which platforms does It support? Every job application uses a different platform, right? 😅
Simon Peter Damian
Launching soon!
@sentry_co we currently integrate with a few ATS lever, greenhouse, jobvite and many more. We do not source from linkedin
Brian Lawrence
With everything going on in the world of remote work and just careers on a whole, this is a great concept. Congrats on the launch!
Simon Peter Damian
Launching soon!
Thank you @bingeisland
Marcelo Andrade Perino
Cool product - super useful. Interested what the key data points I need to input are to get the AI optimized job search results?
Simon Peter Damian
Launching soon!
@mandradeperino Just your resume
Simon Peter Damian
Launching soon!
@mandradeperino Thank you
Reginald Bharath
Awesome stuff!
Simon Peter Damian
Launching soon!
Daniel Martinez
Amazing tool. I will share it with one of my relatives who is a SE. I'm really intrigued on the "searching for matches from various job sources" feature and "runs repeatedly every day" I think it could be super useful and could increase the chances of finding a job
Prateek Kapoor
Congratulations on the launch of FlashApply! It's exciting to see how it harnesses the power of AI to simplify job applications. Here's to a smoother and more successful job search ahead! 🎉