The blazing fast build tool for Rust
Tejas Ravishankar
Fleet β€” The blazing fast build tool for Rust
Enjoy upto 5x faster builds using Fleet, the blazing fast build tool for Rust πŸš€.
Fleet is open-source and completely free to use!
Get it at: https://fleet.rs
A product from Dimension: https://dimension.dev
Tejas Ravishankar
Hey everyone, we've been working on Fleet, the blazing fast build tool for Rust! πŸš€ Enjoy upto 5x faster builds with Fleet, which can seamlessly integrates into your daily workflows and your CI/CD pipelines. Fleet is free and open source, and you can get it at https://fleet.rs!
Tejas Ravishankar
@vishv Thank you Vish!
Arjun Kava
Cool, Congratulations. One of the cool project in Rust Community.
Tejas Ravishankar
@arjun_kava1 Thank you so much!
Sasha Briu
looks great!
this shit bops, yo!
Hey this looks awesome. I see so many tools these days that are getting built using rust. I remember your last tool for deleting files in windows at blazing speed. Rust seems very interesting, I'm gonna try it out. Congrats on the launch and all the best.
Tejas Ravishankar
@basharath Thank you so much for your support Basharath!
Olga Grigorenko
great jobs! congrats!
Varun Potti
Thank you fellow product hunter :)!