Vyas Narayan

No-VC Reports - Build a startup in 6 months by reading 5-min reports


No-VC Reports tackles all problems you'll face while building a startup and gives actionable advice in simple 5-min reports.
All this from personal experience of bootstrapping a startup to $700,000 in revenue. Throw those startup books out of the window!

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Karthik Sridharan
Hey Hunters! So stoked to be sharing what I have been working diligently over the past 3 months for 🎊 🎉🎁 🎈 Introducing No-VC Reports! A simple promise: Build your startup in 6 months by reading 5-min reports. A tutorial for every step of your startup journey, written succinctly. No nonsense. A. Why? As a startup founder, I have made many mistakes. Clearly, I'm not unique in that aspect - most founders make them. Yet, we see new entrepreneurs making the same old mistakes. Wouldn't it be great to have a single repository that could chronologically list all the problems they would face and share their solutions? So, I decided to use all the lessons I learnt from bootstrapping my startup to $700,000 in revenue to bring this idea to fruition. With that, No-VC Reports was born and including today I have already written 10 reports! B. Standard report structure Each report is written in simple language with a bias towards action. To ensure zero fluff a standard structure is followed: - Problem 🤕 - Solution 🕵️ - Why and when to worry about this? ⏱️ - Tools 👝 - Implementation 🔨 - Related posts 📪 C. Past reports These are the 10 reports that I have already written: 1. I want to validate my startup idea: Link 2. I want to find a co-founder: Link 3. I want to build a marketing website but don't know to code: Link 4. I want to know if I should work towards getting VC funding: Link 5. I want to build a product but have no coding skills: Link 6. I want to find users for my new startup: Link 7. I want to find my first paying customer: Link 8. I want to increase my website's traffic: Link 9. I want to find new ways of marketing my startup: Link 10. I want to understand the deal with Google Ads: Link - This one is fresh out of the oven :). Just finished writing it this morning.
Karthik Sridharan
Thanks a lot for the kind words & wishes Lillia
Fatih Yıldız
Erm! Something went wrong while submitting the form. :(
Karthik Sridharan
@fatihyldz1 Oh no, looking into it right away
Karthik Sridharan
@fatihyldz1 Hey Fatih, It wasn't working on one link and I have corrected it + tested all other links. Would you mind trying again :)
Fatih Yıldız
@karthik_sridharan something wrong with yandex domain? :)
Karthik Sridharan
Sorry Fatih - not really sure what's wrong. Would you mind sending me a test mail on karthik@flexiple.com? I will add you manually - else you can DM me on twitter too (@KarthikS2206)
Harsh Gelda
The most useful product of the day. Thank You for introducing this to us!
Karthik Sridharan
@harsh_gelda Wow! Thanks for the great compliment Harsh :)
Rick N.
What a cool product, will definitely share with out startup/founder community!!
Karthik Sridharan
@rickn That's so great to hear Rick. I hope they like it :)
Juan Carlos Olamendy
that's great. I've just signed up
Karthik Sridharan
@juancolamendy super, thanks Juan :)
Garreth Byrne
This looks perfect for me on my admittedly clueless start-up journey. Just signed up!
Karthik Sridharan
Super Garreth! Sending one your way today :)
Great. Long overdue
Stuart Wilson
Been following this newsletter for a while, glad to see it featured on Product Hunt! Valuable content for myself on my entrepreneurial journey!
Karthik Sridharan
Thanks for the kind words Stuart!
Dan Siepen
Nice work! Looks really good :)
Karthik Sridharan
Thanks a lot Dan :)
Iram Kavanagh
Great past reports and I see some interesting upcoming ones too! This still doesn't cover 6 months :P. When will you be adding new topics?
Karthik Sridharan
Haha, you are right Iram. I wrote a bunch of topics that I had in mind which covered me till the end of this year. I will be revisiting it soon - maybe end of next month.
Joshua G.
Seeing it I believe there is still hope on this world, selfless people who share their profissionalism.