The resource planner that keeps projects on track
Christopher Hopkins

Float — Visual resource planning for teams

Float makes project planning and resource scheduling simple. Drag and drop to assign tasks with ease, visualize changes quickly with powerful editing tools, and stay up to date with our mobile apps. Float saves your team time and keeps your projects on track.
Kyle Bragger
Curious how long (if at all) you guys used an internal version of either the tool, or the process, before deciding to productize it.
Yaron Schoen
@kylebragger Hey Kyle! I feel the best way to launch something, is to use it internally first. The founders all come from an agency background, so we always knew and understood the pain points of scheduling a team's time. Conveniently, our CEO Glenn was a PM and spent a lot of time dogfooding in 2011 for our initial launch. Today we use it for our own design and dev studio, Made for Humans, and it's working really well for us. Now that the audience for Float is much bigger than when we launched, we spend more time speaking with our customers and iterating based on that. Every new feature is used first with the Made for Humans team. If we like it, we give it to users to see if they do to. If they do, we ship it.
Colin Devroe
@yarcom @kylebragger Little known fact, "Productize It" was first recorded in 1993 by Cypress Hill. Wait, that was something else that Yaron has spent time "dogfooding".
Colin Devroe
@yarcom Can Float make my teeth whiter? -- Also, does it have a timer component wherein we're able to track whether or not we're on schedule?
Yaron Schoen
@cdevroe Colin! It's clinically proven to whiten teeth, strengthen gums, and make your breath nice and fresh. As for timer, not yet.
Yaron Schoen
Hey all! My name is Yaron, and I am the co-founder and creative director of Float. Happy to answer any of your questions or comments. Feedback is always very much welcome! Here's a quick background: Since 2012 we now call some of the biggest agencies (Ogilvy, Razorfish, Edelman, droga5) our customers and are now in use in more than 50 countries. This is our biggest launch since we began, it adds personal schedules, real-time notifications, multi-keyword search, new access rights and an all new design. You can read about all of the updates here. (https://blog.floatschedule.com/t...)
Spencer Fry
Hey Yaron. What was the hardest part to design? How did you decide on what features to build?
Yaron Schoen
@spencerfry Hey Spencer, great questions. I'd say that the calendar view, by far, was the toughest thing to design. Our calendar view isn't a traditional calendar in that the amount of days aren't set within the screen, but are endless if you scroll horizontally. Getting that interaction right was really hard. I'd also say the on boarding was super tough, since we need you to add a team, and a project in order to get started. The flow can certainly be better, we're not 100% there, but we're continuing to learn and iterate as we go. As for the feature set, for this release we have been relying on our existing users, asking them a bunch of questions, testing out prototypes, etc. We learned a ton from them. Many of the things I thought we needed, we actually really didn't, and I learned this from asking questions.
Birger Morgenstjerne
Great product, but sorry doubling the price per user for a simple feature as time tracking is really disappointing...