Chris Messina

Flow - A pomodoro based work timer to help you get things done

Top Hunter

Flow is a minimalistic pomodoro based work timer available for Mac. Flow encourages your focus and motivation while reducing stress. Dividing your workflow into sections with defined breaks is proven to better health and productivity.

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Lea Hirschmüller
Hello, everyone! 👋🏻 Thank you @chrismessina for hunting us! I'm Lea, one of the makers of Flow. Our app enables you to be more productive and reduce stress by utilizing the pomodoro technique. We wanted a minimalistic designed tool with the necessary amount of features to help everyone including ourselves to stay focused and motivated at work. So we created Flow! What's next for Flow? 📱 iOS Version ⏱ Custom Durations 📝 To Do List 🚫 Block Websites 📊 More Statistics ⌨️ Open-Source We would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions. I'm more than happy to answer any questions! Thank you to everyone who has already supported us along the way. We're always listening and would love for you to check it out. To the PH community, Flow is yours, free to use.
Lea Hirschmüller
@porush_puri Thanks so much for your nice words! Would love to get your feedback once you have a chance to try it out.
Lea Hirschmüller
@porush_puri Thanks, awesome. Drop us a line at ☺️
Lea Hirschmüller
@davidgay Sure! Since many people were so kind to offer their contribution in developing this project over the past months, we decided to make Flow open-source. Our plan is to do so after the release of our iOS version. We share these kind of news and updates on Twitter, if you want to stay up to date about the development of Flow. 🙂
Pg Gonni
@chrismessina @lea_hirschmueller this is by far the best Pomodoro timer. Do you guys have any plans to make a Windows version?
Lea Hirschmüller
@pggonni Thank you so much for your kind words, Piergiorgio! We do really like the idea of developing a Windows version. It's on our minds to potentially do this. But we have no further plans for this at the moment. First, an iOS, iPadOS and watchOS version will follow. 🙂
Stefan Cimander
So happy to be part of this team 😊 Flow started as a small personal passion project and is now already being used by thousands of Mac users every day. I’m very excited about what comes next and what your suggestions are 🔥
Sergio Sala
Love the design! And wish you can stay with the minimalism approach all the time, to-do list would be just make it like other Pomodoro apps we've seen... Either way, when you add the iOS would be nice to have the sync too.
Lea Hirschmüller
@sergiosa_la Thank you for your feedback, Sergio! When adding new features we always keep our minimalistic approach in mind. We think less is more. So our to-do list will differ from what we've seen in other pomodoro apps. Stay tuned! 😉 The iCloud sync will be part of the initial iOS version. 🙂
?makers Congratulations on the launch! Your product is addressing the need gap - 'Getting things done at individual level' posted on my platform - You're welcomed to join that discussion and explain how your product solves their problem; for your customers to find your product easily.
Lea Hirschmüller
@needgap Thank you! And thank you for the hint, we will definitely check it out. ☺️
David Gay
This looks good, I have been looking for a nicer pomodoro-esque app. I would love some more control over flow lengths and number of flows before long breaks. For instance, lately I have been doing 55 minute sessions with 5 minute short breaks and one 60 minute break mid-day.
Lea Hirschmüller
@davidgay Thank you, David! We're planning on implementing both of those customization options, so stay tuned. ☺️
Haoyang Feng
Touchbar support?
Lea Hirschmüller
@haoyangnz Yes, we're planning on implementing touchbar support in the future. 🙂
Öznur Albayrak
Looks very useful😊
I like your minimalist design and have subscribed to pro! Please do send a message in your mac app when ios version is online. Other apps have the todo list feature. Are you going to implement that as well?
Lea Hirschmüller
@novelballseal Hi, thank you so much for supporting our tiny developer studio by purchasing Flow Pro! We plan to release the iOS version in early 2021. This will be a free basic version first. More features as well as the optional Flow Pro upgrade will follow. You can follow us on Twitter to get notified about new release and new features. We plan on implementing a simple task feature and the integration of already existing popular to-do apps. If you have further questions, you can always contact us at 🙂
Jonathan Francis
Flow is great, congrats! A few things I'd love: 1) track my failures (restarts). 2) send feedback directly from the app rather than emailing 3) persist float when switching desktops (if using multiple spaces on mission control). 4) option for some dopamine on completion - a relaxing minigame maybe?
Lea Hirschmüller
@jonathan_francis Hi Jonathan, thank you so much for your kind and detailed feedback! Those are all great suggestions. We'll put them on our list. We especially like the idea of a mini game 😄 Could you go into more detail what you mean by "persist float"? Also, why would you prefer to send feedback directly from the app? I'm looking forward to your reply. We value your feedback.
Jonathan Francis
@jonathan_francis @lea_hirschmueller Great, you're welcome! So when moving between mission control "spaces" the pomodoro only remains within one space rather than continuing to appear in every space. RE feedback - at the moment there's no way to find out that email address to give feedback (even in the about section), I only found it on product hunt so at a minimum you should add the email address. But I think most people prefer a "click feedback button" > "type idea" > "send" experience. Instead of a "click about section" > "copy email address" > "open browser" > "open email client" > "compose new message" > "type title" > "write formal message including [dear x] and [from y]" > "hit send".
Lea Hirschmüller
@jonathan_francis @lea_hirschmueller Thank you for clarifying 🙂 From my understanding it's normal for windows to stay in one space. We'll look into it to see if we're able to modify this behaviour for Flow. Our email address is in the footer of our website. But we'll consider adding an easier way to send feedback directly from the app. ☺️
Colin Kiama
It's great to see more well designed Pomodoro Timer apps! 🎉
Lea Hirschmüller
@colinkiama Thank you, Colin! 😊
I've never used the Pomodoro technique but the design made me download it to check it out. Congrats on the launch. My one complaint: when I launch Flow and switch it on, it only appears on my Mac task/tool bar if my last mouse-click was on my desktop screen. i.e. if I turn Flow's timer on, and I click on my browser for example, the little countdown on the toolbar is not visible. And no matter how many times I click on the Flow app again from my applications folder, it won't open. Only way to get it back is click on my desktop background and then it appears in the toolbar, and then I can go ahead and use it.
Lea Hirschmüller
@prithsr Thank you so much! Would love to know what you think when you had the chance to use it. ☺️ Regarding your issue: It would be great if you could send us screenshots from what you described at support(at) The timer should always be visible in your menu bar. We'd love to help. Looking forward to hearing from you. 🙂
@lea_hirschmueller Thanks for the follow up! I restarted my computer and I can't replicate this issue again. All good!
Lea Hirschmüller
@prithsr Glad to hear it! 😊
Yan Sidyakin
Amazing app!! Design is so sleek. Was a bit confused though about the four little dots, apparently they represent four flows with short (5-10 min) breaks in between, but took me a minute to figure it out. Would like an option to customize the amount of these flows in a session, like say from 2 to 5 instead of just 4. Also, curious – how do you monetize?🤔
Lea Hirschmüller
@sidyakinian Thank you so much for your feedback, Yan! We will add options to customize the amount of sessions as well as the durations. You can follow us on Twitter to get notified about updates. Thanks for your question. As of right now, we're not monetizing Flow. In the future, we want to implement some kind of "PRO-features", but the usage of the focus timer itself will always remain free to use. 🙂
Anna H.
Love to see Flow on product hunt! Have been using this app for months now - love it, especially the block-apps feature and the minimalistic design :)
Lea Hirschmüller
@anna_h_ Thank you, Anna! Glad to hear you enjoy using Flow ☺️
Joel Runyon
Very cool - would you consider a calendar integration to sync pomodoro blocks to your calendar? Would be very useful to have "what tasks got done during what blocks" for looking back on the day.
Lea Hirschmüller
@joelrunyon Thank you for the suggestion, Joel! We like the idea and it's definitely something we're interested in integrating in the future. I'll put it on our list. 😊
Ghost Kitty
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Lea Hirschmüller
@cedric_lenerand Thanks, Cédric! Would love to know how it works for you. ☺️
Tim Wu
Love the product! I've used the pomodoro timer app Forest on iOS, but I've always wanted something similar on Mac. Really like the minimalist and clean UI. One question. Is it possible to hide the countdown timer on the top bar? Sometimes I'd like the option to hide it.
Lea Hirschmüller
@timjwu Thank you for your kind words, Tim! Right now, we're working on an alternative, less distractive menu bar icon. Since Flow only sits in your menu bar, it's not possible to hide the icon entirely. 🙂
Ashutosh Dabral
Downloaded and have been using the app for 8 hours now. Very nicely done. Can see this becoming a daily habit for me.
Lea Hirschmüller
@ashutoshdabral That's so good to hear! Glad you enjoy using Flow ☺️
Mike Coutermarsh
I was just thinking this morning I should use a pomo timer this week (have a ton of small tedious things to get done). Giving it a try, thanks!
Lea Hirschmüller
@mscccc Perfect! Let me know how it works for you. 😊
Chase Thomas
Love the design @lea_hirschmueller ! Looking forward to an integrated website blocker.
Lea Hirschmüller
@chasethomas Thank you so much, Chase! Me, too. 😉