@tommyent my question exactly. Proven manufacturer who ships great products or a kickstarter project, not a hard choice. Going to have to cut price point, I don't think they can compete with DJI on features.
@tylermyracle@tommyent what differentiates FlowMotion from DJI is that you can detach the handle and use the stabilizer as a wearable device, or attach it to other camera mounts, like on a helmet, in your car or on a tripod. In addition, our stabilization is more accurate than DJI and works with optical image stabilization (OIS) which is in new phones (like iPhone 6 & 7 and Samsung Galaxy S7 & S7 Edge). // Julie - Co-founder FlowMotion
@julieb thanks for the response! The OIS issues with the Osmo Mobile is what has stopped me from pulling the trigger. Love the portability of the FlowMotion as well! You might have just sold me. Any thoughts on doing a side by side comparison vs the DJI? Might help win over those folks like me that have been on the edge.
@julieb@tylermyracle honestly it was lost int the video with me. It seemed to focus on what everyone else is doing so I scrubbed through it. Your selling point (detach) was like 1 min in for 10 sec out of that video. That being said why did I see little to no video in the detached state? More accurate again is a claim that is not backed by the video. While it looks cool I would like to see more however lets face it you don't need me or anyone else here to do this. You already have. Congrats and I hope it's more than I can see and if so I will be in line to buy one.
@tylermyracle We are making a comparison video. If you send your email address to me (julie@flowmotion.one) I can send it to you.
@tommyent Thanks for the feedback. We should definitely show the detachable part better in the video. The reason why we have not shown the "more accurate, works with OIS" feature is because we feel that it might be too technical for a lot of people? But at the same time, it is our most important differentiator, so yes, we should include it. Thanks!
I will continue my policy of not upvoting Kickstarters. It's a fascinating project, I'd love to see it happen, it doesn't deserve space next to creators who have actually delivered a product we can use and talk about.
@trulyadamant I would content that many software products that are posted are in a beta or similar polish level to that of a hardware kickstarter. Hardware just requires the upfront funding because of manufacturing, so this is the way they have to launch products.
@john__wetzel Your opinion is respectable and valid. The difference between launching beta products openly (common practice) and putting non-existent products next to existing ones is, of course, apples and oranges.
Launching a beta on product hunt might actually be more beneficial to users down the line than launching a completed product. Product hunters are self selected, just-before-bleeding-edge style consumers who delight in having the next big thing. It's only natural to put betas in front of us.
We have the opportunity to provide unusually crisp feedback on design, bugs, UI, etc.,
Posts that link to kickstarter on here are more parasitic than helpful. They take valuable space that folks who've done the hard work can use to promote their business/products. They ask us for our money based on nothing in return (we can't test, we can't really give feedback). They are a net drag on the quality of product hunt.
I think this is a really cool product, especially for people that's on the move a lot and would like to capture more high quality video.
One of the best things about FlowMotion ONE is that it's extremely portable, so you can always bring it with you, wherever you go.
FlowMotion Smartphone Stabilizer
FlowMotion Smartphone Stabilizer
I think this is a scam, Ponzi scheme and so on...
Pros:0, ZERO
Cons:never get my order, waiting since june 2018!!!!!