Hey everyone! Cat here, 1/2 of the maker team. Myself and @matt_sven are pumped to finally get this plugin out into the designer (and engineer) community. Fluid is a Sketch plugin that provides a means to create more constraint-based, responsive designs—based on Auto Layout constraints. Fluid provides you with a number of tools (Preview Mode, Edit Constraints, Utilization of Mathematic expressions as values, etc.) that can be continually altered to your liking, in order to maximize on the responsiveness of your design work, getting an idea for the direction you're headed (think Espresso app for UI Design).
When it comes to using Sketch for responsive design, Sketch itself provides you with the basics of what is needed, like a variety of artboard sizes for different devices. But nothing within or outside of Sketch existed until now, that provided you with a means of making your design time and responsive design work in general, much more efficient.
The plugin itself is a WIP, as this is 1.0, but we'd love your feedback, questions and more to ensure we adapt and add based on your needs. Given that, feel free to send all of that our way. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!
Hey guys, Matt here, Developer :) I handled the code side of things.
We're super-psyched for you guys to try out the plugin and can't wait for your feedback. We've got a lot of things in mind and are continually working on improving Fluid.
Jeez. Can't wait to dive in on this. Rebuilding screens at different (non-significant) breakpoints is one of my least favorite things ever. And on GitHub! Even more fun...
@clarklab Clark, thanks so much! And yesssss 🙈 Was a huge pain we were looking to solve. Both @matt_sven and I discussed (not too long ago) the ability to export your files using the preview, as well. The entire plugin as we said is a WIP, so we'd love your feedback, thoughts, and more.
This is awesome! I'll definitely be trying this out for my next responsive design / adaptive layout project.
I remember salivating over a tool like this that @joshpuckett conceptualized in a Medium post: https://medium.com/bridge-collec.... Glad it came to life!
@mattdanna Yup! Like Matt said, it was a big inspiration for us. Definitely can't wait to hear your thoughts. Be sure to share how you use it as well, if possible ;)
@carylyne Carylyne, that's huge! Congrats on that and welcome to the club ;) The plugin will make life a bit easier for you when you get into the nitty gritty of responsive design. Don't hesitate to reach out on Twitter with any questions, suggestions and more.
I've been using Sketch for prototyping and developing mockups in all the apps I've developed and this plug-in is **heaven**! Designing the Apps for the different screen sizes is hell, at least this plug-in gives me a little peace of mind.
Thanks a lot @matt_sven and @imcatnoone!
@malihsoufian Thanks Soufian! Glad you do. Once you give it a spin, be sure to let us know what, if anything, you'd add. Also, don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. :)
@joellegoldman Thanks so much, Joelle! Us, too. And considering how many of us designers use it *and* are working with a number of artboard sizes on a regular basis, this made sense in terms of it needing to exist.
Pretty awesome guys - love the potential and ability to speed up design for responsive screens! My feedback would be to simplify the concepts a little better - or at the very lease do some video tutorials going through the different constraints and settings.
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