I hate to be negative about an attempt to make online dating more natural - love the idea - but how do you keep this from just becoming chat roulette, where you can't use it without seeing something truly unwanted?
@jelenawoehr great question. We've spent a lot of time thinking about that. So far, we've found that requiring location and Facebook login (with a minimum number of friends) helps a lot. We also have robust reporting, and anyone who is reported will have their account disabled immediately pending review.
If these measures aren't enough, we can also do facial detection and blur the video when no face is present.
We created Flutter because we wanted something more authentic than the existing dating apps out there. Video is super powerful, and we think it is the secret to making online dating capture the magic of seeing someone in real life for the first time.
With video, it is impossible to be anyone but yourself.
There are two important things that make Flutter different from other dating apps that have tried to use video:
1. The video is live and two-way. You see them while they see you.
2. There is no sound. You don’t have to think of what to say, instead you can focus on the non-verbal aspects of the interaction.
We all strive for one crucial thing in our lives: connection. My attempts to find this connection through various dating apps has been an epic fail. I see a photo or two of an attractive man, maybe a charming sentence he has crafted into his profile, and from there I create this fantasy of who this person could be. This is all based on what my desires are and how I have imagined him.
Flutter is cutting through the BS of dating apps by taking you straight into the eyes of another person. And yes, this is going to be totally scary for some people! But maybe thats a good thing.
Ultimately this is not only going to change the way people interact, but it will stop wasting people’s time. I don’t know about you, but my time is valuable. So when I walk into a restaurant, only to find my date two drinks in with an enormous ego and 30 extra pounds, I would say my time would have been better spent watching Tinker Bell at home with my kid. Now, if I had met him on Flutter instead, I would have quickly been able to sense the chemistry between us within the first 15 seconds.
Hey everyone :) Ashley and I are here, and we're happy to answer any questions you have. Also, we just launched video filters today, and we're giving away 2 free filters to anyone who goes to http://flutter.us?ref=producthunt
Hey! That's awesome, I recently talked about this with my friends - no dating app focused on the first moment you see someone in real life. It's the one second that decides if the effort (matching,texting,set date/time) you've put into this was worth the risk/opportunity cost of not working on stuff/seeing friends or at least an hour (I'm nice) haha. Now one q - how does the matching work?
@kristraeger We use double opt-in matching just like Tinder. If you can't decide within the first fifteen seconds, or forget to tap/swipe, they go into you "maybes" where your will have 24hrs to decide whether or not they are a match.
@ninjudd@activeash | Cool take, you differentiate yourself well in a crowded market. Will be great to see where this goes. We're featuring dating apps for our upcoming batch on @RocketClub, we'd love to chat further if you think it's appropriate. (c/f http://www.producthunt.com/tech/...)
@rocketclubco Thanks for reaching out! Let's connect further on this topic. DM me @activeash. Both Justin and I are really excited for RocketClub! Congrats Erik
I love seeing how live stream enters so many parts of life now. I think the idea of a short video in dating is great. Lets hope for you Tinder does not copy the idea of a 6 second video flic in their profile. Sorry for trying the app as a guy in a relationship. I promise to stop faking after a trial period. ;)
However the toughest part will be getting to the critical mass.
@rexromanum I forgive you Roman, and appreciate your support! If we have any copycats, we'll take it as a compliment, but may question their integrity ;)
@activeash I have to admit first impression of the app is great. I like the short awkward moment where you see someone. The automatic smile and emotions. Would not have guessed it working. I asked my sister about the app and her first impression was, that it might be tough for a woman to stream constantly especially to be constantly ready to be watched. Guys are a little less vain maybe... But then so many people stream themselves 24/7.
I would assume that the biggest problem right now is getting more girls online. I could not really get anyone to watch my stream. But all the luck to you and the project! Great idea, concept, app and execution! Go big!
Congratulations on making this! It seems like a really great idea. I do want to say though it took me a very long time to figure out what exactly it was– in fact, until I watched the video of co-founders explaining it I had no clue that there was video at all.
As I understand it now there is live video-chat (sans-audio) with random people/potential matches, and from there each person likes/dislikes. There is no way I would know this from the homepage, and thus had no interest in downloading the app from it. Actually, from the tag-line "no photos, no bios, no names until you match" I assumed perhaps it was a kind of matchmaking service where you provide the matches– I didn't even think of live-video.
Anyway, I only wrote this up because I think what you guys made seems really great and hope my feedback can help you in presenting it to other people who have no clue about flutter.
Tldr; My advice: Drop/lower vague businessy language "We're changing the face of online dating. Making it more real. More genuine. More fun." and replace with something to the effect of "Live video feed with someone else on the app for 15 seconds. You can only start chatting once you've both 'liked' each-other."
@mazlix great feedback. We've updated our website to say "Flutter lets you look into the eyes of another person for 15 seconds to see if there’s chemistry." Way better than the vague marketing language I had before.
The AMA Cameo Party was so fun! Thanks to everyone who showed up and especially to those brave enough to cameo.
We've been fans of Meerkat from the beginning, so it's really cool to be on Product Hunt on the same day as Meerkat Cameos. The idea for Flutter actually came out of Ashley and I talking about how much we loved Meerkat and wishing there was something like it but more interactive.
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