Raz Karmi

Converter Bot - Convert files and websites easily on messenger


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Thanks @razkarmi for hunting. We are excited to present the messenger bot myself and @Saleel hacked for facebook messenger challenge. Converter is a messenger bot that takes in a file or a website and convert it into various formats. Grab articles from a website and get it in audio or pdf format. Convert your docs and images to pdfs, rar to zip, videos to gifs or mp3s and about a dozen more. Give it a try and let us know your thoughts.
Vlad Pekh
Do you plan to add support for - img to txt (OCR)? It would be nice to have this functionality with multiple languages support. Meanwhile I'll stick to https://t.me/PhotosetterBot (best OCR bot so far).
@vlad_pekh Great suggestion. We will look into it.
Ravi Srinivasan
Good stuff Shyjal and Saleel. Simple and well done.
Thanks @ravsydney, happy to hear that!
Bettina R.
This is why I love lazy people, always looking for new ways of doing things faster and with less effort. Congrats guys!
@bettinadraws Productivity at its best 😉 Thanks for your kind words btw.