Andrew Bryk

Focus - A Mac app to block distracting websites


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Nathan Baschez
You know product hunt will have made it big when we make it into Focus ;)
Alexander Jeurissen
how does this application compare to the more feature rich Rescuetime ? which not only allows blocking websites for a certain amount of time, but also provides insight in your productivity and behaviour.
Joe Cotellese

Focus is a Mac app that sits in your tool bar and helps you stay on task. Couple of killer features are the ability to schedule blocks of work time and to create custom prompts that you see when you attempt to surf the web.


Great tool for keeping your eye on the prize.


Managing blocked sites could be a little better, specifically allow you to unblock certain sites by subdirectory or regex.

Brad Jasper
If you're curious about how Focus was built, I did a small case study:
Joe Cotellese
This is a great app. @bradjasper was super responsive fixing a bug I found.
Lyle McKeany
Is this working properly for everyone else who has tried it? I have it on and I can access Twitter, FB, Gmail, etc using both Chrome (my usual browser) and Safari.
Brad Jasper
@lylemckeany I have had a few other people mention this and am working on a fix. If you'd like to test it out please email me
Lyle McKeany
@bradjasper Will do, thanks!