David Lo Dico

FocusFox - Get redirected to where you need to go.

Stop wasting time on unproductive websites. FocusFox helps you to stay away from distracting websites and redirects you to where you actually want to go.

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David Lo Dico
The internet has beaten me more often than I'd like to admit... That's why I made a useful chrome extension that redirects me from distracting websites to useful and interesting websites! No more Reddit for me, but more Hackernews! No more Instagram, but Trends.co. No more YouTube, but more Producthunt! You get the picture 📷 If that sounds like something you want to try, you can add it to your chrome browser for free.
Greg Coakley
WOW, Thanks this is revolutionary
David Lo Dico
@musictriage Thanks Greg! It actually helped me a lot to change some bad habits... Any idea on which redirects you would use?
David Lo Dico
@david_dico @musictriage Hahaha I know your struggle. I used FocusFox last week to redirect me from CNN to Foxnews (getting out of my bubble). Quite a revelation!
Jeroen MT
Not everyday you see an interesting and useful chrome extension!
Danny Postma
Super proud of what you've been able to build, David! Using it every day now to limit my Twitter consumption during work haha. Thank you for building this! 😍
David Lo Dico
@dannypostmaa thanks buddy! Means a lot coming from you <3
Salvatore Lo Dico
Great tool!! Helps me to do what I really want to do!! It helps me to keep control over the thing that is most valuable to me, namely: TIME. money for instance can be lost and regained later. Time is lost forever! So use it well!!!
Nice work, David! So simple and effective.
David Lo Dico
@roman_kondratyev Thanks Roman! It actually really helped to change some habits of mine
Robbie Sakkers
Great app!
David Lo Dico
@robbiesakkers1 Thanks Robbie! Hope it helps you
V Keerthi Vikram
It is really good kind of like Coldturkey or freedom but with a good looking and minimalist design and free.
David Lo Dico
@vicksu Thanks! It actually helps me to build new habits by visiting the pages that I want to visit more often
Hailey Sohoza
this is pawsome i love foxes
Sergey Ulankin
That is simple and greate, just like the Go Fucking Work plugin for Chrome (it was on PH a couple of years ago, can't find it now on here) but with the added value that it gets you somewhere useful, and does not just shout obsecenities at you (which is what we all need sometimes too). Hope you'll bring it to more browsers!
Ridhik Govind
This is a pretty great idea to stay distraction free ! Kudos for coming up with this.
Jessica Emily
Very useful, my employer will be happy with this chrome extension! ;-)
Ardjo Shahadat
Hey ! Awesome product ! Just some feedback : would be nice to improve the scheduling feature :)