
fohkuhs - A beautiful focus timer


/foh-k uh s/ (Focus) is a beautiful focus timer to help you get shit done.

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Kyle Richey
Love the break screens! Great idea tapping into the Unsplash API.
Travis Werbelow
@imakestrides Thanks! I should be using their API, haha. Right now I have hand picked the images to go along with the little text that overlays them. But that limits the number of images I can have. I should indeed check out their API and use that instead, give it a much more random feel.
Kyle Richey
@traviswerbelow That's still cool. Nice MVP approach, and having curated images is nice, so you know they fit the purpose/goal of the app.
Travis Werbelow
Thanks for the hunt @kevinfischer! I made this little focus timer for myself after trying a handful of others that didn't quite work for me. It was a fun little project that I continue to improve and work on. If you try it out, I'd love to hear what you think 🙂
Jonathan Cohen
Great work. Thank you. (feature request: optional website blocking while the timer is active)
Travis Werbelow
@jonathangcohen Thanks! I actually just got that same request from a friend, haha. I'll add it to my list :)
Lyondhür Picciarelli
Super cool work mate. Congrats! Not crazy about the name though. It may be a bit hard for users to find it out there..
Travis Werbelow
@lyondhur Thanks! Yeah, I might have gotten a bit too creative with the name
@lyondhur @traviswerbelow I just had that same problem - I was trying to remember it so I could upvote and just drew a blank. :) Perhaps you could get better brand recognition if you put a logo on the timer screen & also on the break screens?
Except the naming of it, everything else is pretty cool.
Travis Werbelow
@askar Thanks! Yeah, I might have gotten a bit too creative with the name
I love this - simple but beautiful. Can I change the sound effect for the ending of a session? The clock ticks are a nice touch! Love the break screens, but the first time it popped up, it was hidden behind another window on a secondary screen so I didn't realize I was supposed to stop working. :) Think I've got the hang of it now though. Thank you!
Travis Werbelow
@travelinjess Thanks! Right now there isn't an option to change the end of a session sound. Good idea for a feature request though! I have added it to my list :)
Will Schmidt

This is by far the most simple pomodoro app that I've used so far. I just wish it could sync data between multiple computers


Very clean and simple


It doesn't appear to allow me to sync between multiple computers (e.g. syncing past pomodoros between home computer, laptop, work computer)