@imakestrides Thanks! I should be using their API, haha.
Right now I have hand picked the images to go along with the little text that overlays them. But that limits the number of images I can have. I should indeed check out their API and use that instead, give it a much more random feel.
Thanks for the hunt @kevinfischer!
I made this little focus timer for myself after trying a handful of others that didn't quite work for me. It was a fun little project that I continue to improve and work on.
If you try it out, I'd love to hear what you think 🙂
@lyondhur@traviswerbelow I just had that same problem - I was trying to remember it so I could upvote and just drew a blank. :) Perhaps you could get better brand recognition if you put a logo on the timer screen & also on the break screens?
I love this - simple but beautiful. Can I change the sound effect for the ending of a session? The clock ticks are a nice touch! Love the break screens, but the first time it popped up, it was hidden behind another window on a secondary screen so I didn't realize I was supposed to stop working. :) Think I've got the hang of it now though. Thank you!
@travelinjess Thanks! Right now there isn't an option to change the end of a session sound. Good idea for a feature request though! I have added it to my list :)
Summit Day Planner
Summit Day Planner
This is by far the most simple pomodoro app that I've used so far. I just wish it could sync data between multiple computers
Pros:Very clean and simple
Cons:It doesn't appear to allow me to sync between multiple computers (e.g. syncing past pomodoros between home computer, laptop, work computer)