Follower Insights for LinkedIn
Shows the number of LinkedIn followers where it matters
Fabian Maume

Follower Insights for LinkedIn β€” Shows the number of LinkedIn followers where it matters

If you publish content on LinkedIn yourself, you naturally want to have active profiles in your network, which also bring you more reach through interaction with your content. You can easily identify these profiles with this plugin.
Vedran Rasic
@jensger does it show the real followers (not including 1st-degree connections)? i.e. I have some 23k followers but only 5k are not 1st-degree connections
Jens Polomski
@vedranrasic it shows you the total number but if you click on the number it will bring you to the "real" followers, usualy. :D
Fabian Maume
Today I'm happy to help out @jensger, launch his chrome extension for LinkedIn. If you follow me, you know that I like growth hacks for Linkedin. Jens' app is a nice tool to add to my list of Linkedin hacks.
Jens Polomski
@fabian_maume thanks for the hunt! πŸš€
Johnathan Bell
Such a useful tool. Right information, right place. A must have for heavy LinkedIn users like myself πŸ˜…
Jens Polomski
@johnathan_bell1 glad you like it as much as I do πŸ”₯
Qudsia Ali
This will be a great tool for LinkedIn connection building. Congratulations on your launch.
Axel Jutoran
Great tool! On my LinkedIn it shows the number, but when it's more than 1,000 it shows 1,000+ is it working fine? Thanks!
Paul Zimmer
What a useful tool – congrats on launch!
Jens Polomski
@joketrue glad you like it! :)
Vedran Rasic
Very cool Jens! Congrats on the launch. 😍
Jens Polomski
@vedranrasic Thanks my friend!! πŸŽ‰
Shushant Lakhyani
This would surely help LinkedIn influencers!
Jens Polomski
@shushant_lakhyani yes and everyone else who wanna know whos serious about linkedin and active :)
Yuya Julien Takada
Congratulations on the launch! It helps me effectively use LinkedIn.
very useful for recruitment team! :)
Fabian Maume
@new_user__3052022509695ec2f5bf951 Interesting idea. How do you use it for recruitment?
Katheriin Liibert
Interesting product! I can see how it can be really helpful in some cases.
Jens Polomski
@katheriin_liibert thanks! Thats why I created it, because I really needed it.
Peter Thaleikis
Neat, congrats on the launch @jensger
Sebastian Potcher
That is a nice linkedin hack
Really nice product.
Jens Polomski
@haserk thank you! πŸ™πŸ»
Jens Polomski
@karimsaif thanks! πŸ™πŸ»