Collaborative, meaningful, memorable gifts for any occasion
Fiona McDougall
Fondfolio — Collaborative, meaningful, memorable gifts for any occasion

Our good relationships sustain us in life. Fondfolio allows us to strengthen those connections by expressing feelings that may otherwise go unsaid. Each book is filled with thoughtful words submitted online by friends & family. Sincere remarks that wouldn't normally be expressed in daily banter are drawn out through our carefully crafted questions.

Fiona McDougall
Hi PH, Fiona from Fondfolio here. Fondfolio allows you to give your favourite people something truly meaningful in the form of a bound collection of heartfelt words. We started doing this for 30th Birthdays of a few close friends and enjoyed the whole process so much we realized it was something that anyone should be able to do for any occasion. We believe that there should be more opportunities to create something special for the people who enrich our lives and say the things that usually "go without saying". Currently it’s just me and my partner doing everything ourselves. We are a designer & (self-taught) developer duo who happily build websites and products for others—this is our first shot at something of our very own and we’d love to get some feedback 🙏 Happy to answer any questions. Also, we'd like to offer the community a special discount, just use the code PHUNTERTAKE20 at checkout for 20% off your first Fondfolio. 🤗
Andrew McDougall

If you are looking for a quick gift you can grab 30mins before the event then this ISN'T it. If you are looking for something flashy or trendy that will probably get thrown out in 6 months then this ISN'T it. If you are looking for a unique gift that combines all the love, humour and memories of the recipients friends and family into one beautiful handmade book then this IS the gift you should be giving.

I've ordered 2 Fondfolios in the past 2 years for close friend's weddings. Its honestly one of the best gifts I've been part of. The recipients get this beautiful hand made book with all their closest friends and family answering the same 5 questions. In both Fondfolios the submissions have been a mix of hilarious and truely heartwarming responses, stories, and memories that are so personal to the recipients. It's hard to find a gift that brings out so much love and humour and be personal, unique and caring at the same time.

I recommend ordering min 4 weeks before you plan on giving because you need a couple weeks to collect all the online submissions and hound all the sloats of the group. Cause y'know grandma can't type like she used to and uncle rick spends all his time golfing and Susan's so busy coming up with excuses of why she's busy she ends up being quite busy. But it's worth it cause you know they all have some lovely and hilarious things to say about the recipients.


It's a unique loving, hilarious, emotional and caring gift for special events and the response of the receiver is always heartwarming.


It does require some work on your part of following up with friends and family to make sure they add their submissions via the link

Rhiannon Moore

I would recommend to anyone looking for a thoughtful and unique gift for a family member or friend during a wedding, birthday, anniversary, graduation, etc.


Foldfolio is probably one of the most thoughtful gifts you could give someone. The books are all custommade with very unique touches.


Unfortunately sometimes whoever is organizing the gift has to remind their friends and family to contribute.