
Font Generator - Turn plain text into fancy that you can copy-paste with ease


Font Generator is a free online tool that lets you input normal text and turns it into fancy text styles using Unicode characters. The generated text styles can be copied and pasted over the web. You can use them on Social media platforms and in your chats.

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"Font Generator" is a free online tool that allows you to enter regular text and convert it into more than a hundred fancy text styles. The generated fonts and text styles can be easily copied and pasted. You can use these fonts and styles on various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc. as well as in your chats on messaging apps like WhatsApp. You can make use of versatile fonts such as bold, italic, underlined, and strikethrough at places where it is normally not possible. Font Generator utilizes a standard system called Unicode, which assigns a unique number to every character, symbol, and script used in written communication across all languages and platforms, including computers and mobile devices. Font Generator has a vast collection of aesthetically pleasing Unicode characters that it uses to generate an extensive variety of fancy fonts and decorated text, as well as other text styles. Please avoid using these fonts if you need accessibility, as screen readers may not read them correctly.