Chris Messina

Unique - Easily design custom fonts in a few steps

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Save time and make smarter font choices! Simply select, customize and off you go with a font you love.

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Yannick Mathey
Hey PH, First off, a big thank you to @chrismessina ! Yannick, founder of Prototypo, here. I’m speaking on behalf of the whole team when I say we’re more than excited to launch our web app Unique! At Prototypo, we believe that every brand deserves a proper voice and a font to match it. We’re constantly looking for ways to improve designers’ workflow and allow for more creativity. It all started 8 years ago. As a graphic designer, I felt frustrated with the font choices available and didn’t want to use the same fonts over and over again. Today I have a team of 12 amazing people and we help thousands of designers create their own custom fonts with our design tool Prototypo. But we realized - fonts are used everywhere, but not everyone is a designer! That’s why we developed Unique, a new solution for getting custom fonts faster and easier! Whether you want to make your own font for your startup, small business, blog, you name it - Unique will get you there. Start off by selecting one of our templates and click through the menu to make changes to it. Within a few minutes you create your Unique font and can use it for all your projects. And of course, we have a little something for the PH community! ; ) Get an additional 5% off your first Unique font by following this link: We’re eager to get your take on Unique and we’ll be here all day to answer questions! : ) The Prototypo Team.
Yannick Mathey
Thank you @gauthier_nadaud !

This reminds me of website templates from Themeforest. You can make a lot of stuff with them and it can be really good, but you can only do so much.

The product and it's idea are truly great but if it explodes we'll see these fonts everywhere :D

If the team keeps adding new presets regularly though, this is 146% great tool I would highly recommend.


Easy to use, sensible presets, very good price


Not very customizable as it only has a few presets

Yannick Mathey
Thank you Max for this feedback! We will definitively add more templates within the next few weeks — and some very useful features to go deeper in customization are also on the roadmap. Stay tuned!
Danu Hacker
@rdev Hi Max, do you mind if I quote you for some promotions i have in mind? :)
Pierre Poizat

I recommend


Very easy to use and very cheap. Congrat's for this product.


is it possible to add some choice to personalize at the end of the process?

Yannick Mathey
We have some nice features on the roadmap for that; matter of days…!
Ylan Dahan
Awersome, in few clikcs I can propose to my clients to have their own embossed font on our leathers. Good job guys !
Danu Hacker
@ylan_dahan Thanks a bunch! :)
Antonin Mathez
That's truly awesome ! Just couple of seconds to create an unique typo. Just a question : How many template do you plan to create for the next months ? Good luck guys !
Yannick Mathey
@antonin_mathez thank you! At our cruising speed, we aim to release 1 new template per week thanks to the Prototypo technology!
Lucas Rinaldi
Congrat's !!! It's really an usefull tools that's really simple to use !
Danu Hacker
@lucas_rinaldi1 Thanks Lucas, we appreciate your feedback! :)
Ognjen Gatalo
I think this is the most useful tool for upcoming startups, since everyone wants to have unique landing pages. With this tool they can quickly generate their unique font. Great job will use for sure! It would be nice to support a wider specter of font customization, that's just a reccomendation.
Yannick Mathey
@ognjengt "It would be nice to support a wider specter of font customization" — It will!
Danu Hacker
@ognjengt hi! Thanks a lot for your feedback. I was wondering, if I could quote you for some ads I have in mind? :)
Sch Gll
A awesome product really easy to use and to understand ! Go create your own font in few click
Danu Hacker
@sch_gll Thank you, happy to hear!
Danu Hacker
@sch_gll hi again! Do you mind if I quote you? :)
Pedro J. Martínez
Wow, really useful! I hope you guys will add more presets in the future. There are some errors of translation into Spanish too, which I don't understand since you have a native speaker (@pedrolimaferreira) on the team. Anyway, cool product!
Danu Hacker
@pedrolimaferreira @inthe0n Hi Pedro, thanks for your feedback! Sure thing, we will get on those errors asap! Our Pedro is Portuguese actually! But feel free to check out his Portuguese version, too ;) We will most certainly add more presets soon, they're practically flying out by the minute! :)
Pedro J. Martínez
@pedrolimaferreira @danu_hacker Oops! That explains a lot. They are just a few mistakes which sound weird to my native ears. "¿Qué estás principalmente buscando?", "una fuente display podría tener detalles muy finos", "< Previo Próxima>", and some typos (obten, liberate: obtén, libérate), etc. You should definitely ask for a native to check it out :)
Danu Hacker
@inthe0n Thanks, I was going to ask you if you could name a few. That helps a lot! Will do, muchas gracias :)
Hriddhi Dey

Love the idea, and the simplicity with which a fairly tricky challenge has been approached. Looking forward to more.


Intuitive interface, good tips, recommendations, and a clearly visible result of the choices makes it easy to customize fonts to your needs.


Would love to see some support for kerning/char spacing/VA etc in the future.

Yannick Mathey
Thanks for your feedback : ) Kerning/spacing will definitively be added in the future, not forgetting ligatures and other very useful OpenType features!
Danu Hacker
@hriddhi_dey Hi Hriddhi! Love the feedback, thank you. I was wondering, do you mind if I quote you for some promos I am working on? :)
Diana Smith

I personally, could easily see myself spending hours doing it. That's my MO. As soon as I saw it today I wanted to play with it. Icer for us more choices in science but also mixed with themes that you could show these two types of fonts go with this kind of theme and you can change the color for someone like me that would work very well this is too much


Would be fun, you can make it match your logo were seen you could use it to bested and a snippet


The more things are ready to go the better. There's so much stuff to do when designing websites or doing seo,and marketing it, hour

Yannick Mathey
Thank you for your feedback, Diana! From my personal background in designing and coding websites, I get your point of wanting things prepped and ready to go asap. However, it just depends on the way people like to do their work. Unique gives everyone the opportunity to do something themselves, instead of having to pay for ready-made fonts out of the catalogue. To each their own, right? : )
Adrien Slm

Very useful


easy to use


no enough choice in the customisation

Danu Hacker
Hi Adrien, thanks for your review! Regarding your cons, we are making more and more templates to increase the options available. Check back soon to see more templates pop up! :)
Manon Pujol
Unique is the perfect combination of professional and user friendly.
Danu Hacker
@manon_pujol Thanks Manon! :)
Fernando Ifran
Pretty cool. Looking forward to use it in a real project :)
Danu Hacker
@fernandoifran Thank you! Yes, please do! :)
Lucas Glenn
Is this just built using variable fonts?
Yannick Mathey
@lucaswglenn It uses the parametric fonts technology, powered by
Faraz Ahmad
Congratulation Yannick and the team members. This app is very easy to use and it's great.
Danu Hacker
@cr3ativetacos Thanks Faraz, appreciate it. And hey, thanks for being such a loyal supporter!
Yann Guillet
@cr3ativetacos Thanks Faraz! We hope you'll use it for one of your projects.
Gautham Santhosh
This is really awesome 😎
Danu Hacker
@gauthamzzz Thank you Gautham! Can I quote you on that? ;)
Donny Harding
Love the idea. Always designing new things and would love to easily create new fonts.
Danu Hacker
@donny_harding Awesome! Go right ahead! :)
Danu Hacker
@theleovogel Hi Leo! The original price is at $35 and it's 70% off with the PH special deal. Any more questions? Just let me know! :)
Sword Art Design
This app seem dead... i tried it but until next step its load forever... RIP