Gabe Perez

Gawker - It's back


Today's news is yesterday's gossip. Back under Bustle Digital Group (BDG).

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Gabe Perez
The internet is going to love this.
@gabe__perez @kensavage seriously hoipe it is a april fools joke. Who needs this crapass site to rear its ugly head again?
Jim Zhou
@gabe__perez @kensavage @thenomad63 How one views the quality of their content is a matter of personal opinion, but the way the site was taken down via a third-party funded lawsuit with clear errors that could not be appealed properly via exhaustion of resources is a blatant miscarriage of justice and a dangerous precedent that also flies in the face of the First Amendment. A media landscape dictated by the tastes and whims of Peter Thiel and his deep pockets is a far bleaker scene than one where Gawker can exist alongside higher and lower brow publications, and even if the relaunch is only a symbolic continuation, any act of resistance against the sort of "liberty-for-me-but-not-for-thee" attitude perpetuated and successfully enforced in Gawker's case is one that should be welcomed.
Mike Karas
Oh, no.
But not THE gawker?