Elston Yee

Forma - No-Code platform to build customised worfklows


Forma was born of the realisation that all business processes essentially are workflows with a few triggers, conditions, and outcomes. We are a platform that help you create workflows for any of your business processes, and empower your non-technical staff to be able to do it, with a simple, no-code approach.

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Elston Yee
Hi Everyone! I’m Elston, co-founder of forma. We built forma to empower non-technical individuals to build their own workflows and business processes with an intuitive, no-code approach. The idea of forma was born when I was working on my previous startup, where we had subscribed to various platforms to help us manage e-leaves, employee onboarding, claims etc. We realised most of these subscription services charged us on a per-user basis, and the costs exponentially grew as our team size grew. Additionally, we did not have the flexibility to create our own custom scenarios based on our needs, or build our own processes without having to involve developers or paying more. As I spoke to more startup founders, the pain point became clearer. Forma was born of the realisation that all business processes essentially are workflows with a few triggers, conditions, and outcomes. What we needed was ONE platform that could help us create our own workflows to digitise and automate our business, and we needed to empower our non-technical staff to be able to do it. To help you get started, we have templates that you can import and customise according to your needs. We are currently completely FREE (have not turned on our pricing model yet), and we are constantly working on improving our platform. Do check us out~
@elstonyee1984 Congratulations on the launch. Really excited for this. I've used Zapier but even that has some friction. Need to understand a few concepts of automation, go through tutorials etc. And thanks for sharing the free plan. Makers of the PH community would love to avail it 😉
Elston Yee
@adityavsc thanks!
Deep Kakkad
Hi, Forma team! Congrats on your launch :)
Leo Yoshida
It looks a nice idea with a cool interface already.
Elston Yee
@sirojuntle thanks Leo~
Amanjot Singh
The UI looks amazing. Congrats on the launch! I'm curious how is this different from Zapier? or other no/ low code integration platforms.
Elston Yee
@amanjot1303 Thanks for your msg. I think for a start, users have the flexibility tp use us standalone, without the need to use 3pty apps (as much as possible) - Forms & Databases. For us - we actually used Zapier previously during our startup days along with other softwares. And it didn't really save us cost, since we still need to pay for everything. So hopefully, this will offer startups or SMBs an alternative solution. With that being said, we will be coming up with 3pty integrations still. This is to allow companies who wants to have the flexibility to use own in house features, but at the same time still want the option to integrate with their current legacy systems. Hope this clarifies~