My name is Cody and I am the founder of
If you are running a niche website and have found writers you find yourself receiving content as if from a fire hose.
How do you hook up your content hose to the formatting assembly line?
I have personally been part of the blog post format process for 1000s of articles. Formatr as a company has formatted 15000+ blog posts. solve the content formatting process by saving providing the following:
Publishing content at scale is hard. You soon need an editor ($40k average), a graphic designer (60k average), and an on-page SEO analyst (45k) average. allows you to focus on what really matters. Content Creation and website monetization.
Publishing content at scale is hard. You soon need an editor ($40k average), a graphic designer (60k average), and an on-page SEO analyst (45k) average. allows you to focus on what really matters. Content Creation and website monetization.
Our team of content formatters are trained in creating beautiful posts that rank well in search engines.
Formatr makes your blog have the look and feel of huge publications i.e. or
We would love to hear any feedback and criticism that you may have. Questions, suggestions, or spelling errors are all things we are open to hearing.
Thank you for checking out