Anuran Roy

Fossfolio — Probably the simplest static site generator in the world!

FOSSFolio is a Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) meant for developers to create their own static websites (mostly portfolios), with fine-grained control. It's built on Python 3.9 with Markdown and Jinja2 templating support, with minimal dependencies.

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Anuran Roy
Hey everyone, Anuran this side! So I had found a dearth of static site generators in Python, and the ones available (like Hugo or Pelican) were too restrictive and monolithic to start with. I've had my own share of frustrations with Hugo, but that's another story - although it was another important reason for me to start working on it. This is why I decided to complete the idea my best friend gave me almost a year ago - a static site generator in Python with a plug-and-play style for add-ins, along with easy-to-use templating syntax. Thus, Fossfolio was made. Do give it a try! And please star it if you like it! P.S: Windows users, please try this using WSL. I'm working on bringing it to Windows, but it may take sometime, sorry for that.