Thanks for checking us out, come pitch your startup in the app with a 1 minute video. Your pitch will instantly post live in the app and the website so VCs, and other users around the world can view your startup. Anyone can comment on pitches, bookmark pitches, share or upvote its a really fun and easy app, come try it out.
Also any startup that pitches before Aug 26 has a chance to win tickets to Techcrunch disrupt, right in startup ally with your own booth, take advantage of the biggest startup event of the year, for free.
@koridhandy Congrats Kori! I know this update has been in the works for a while now... Happy to see you got it out the door! How did things go at the Twitter Hatch event?
@joshmuccio hey thanks Josh, yeah we have been heads down building new stuff and updating the code base. We are also happy to see we got it out the door :)
Twitter Hatch was a fun experience, just to be a finalist was cool enough for us, some really impressive startups there, we met some really cool startup founders too. Cheers dude
@dswiese haha "Dedicated VC team" we are 2 guys in my garage. You will know if a VC has viewed your pitch if they contact you because they liked it, and want to learn more. The last thing we want is startup founders seeing that @jason watched their pitch, and you tweet and email him 100 times asking if he liked it, so really no point showing those metrics unless it just makes you feel good hahaha.
@koridhandy Thanks for the response. VC interaction could be done anonymously, but right now, its a spray and pray approach to get a VC or influencer to view my pitch. I guess my question was more: Have you gotten VCs on board with the other side of your model that your promising (having VC see my pitch).
@dswiese Sure have, its not a "spray +pray" approach (gross btw) You can choose VCs you want to see your pitch, but we have VCs in the app all the time looking at pitches, bookmarking them etc.. now that commenting is enabled its easy for a VC to comment, our previous build you could email the founder directly but the metrics showed low usage, so we are trying comments. It all comes down to the quality of the startups, if it is lacking VCs will not come, regardless of how I sell it to them.
@koridhandy Cool! I completely appreciate the work done behind the scenes to make sure that both sides of the product are fine tuned. Good job - will be downloading soon!
Website and app does not exist anymore
Pros:No pros
Cons:Does not exist