Meet top indie founders around the world.
Anthony Castrio
Founders' Club — Meet top indie founders around the world.
Founders' Club is a human-powered introduction service which matches top indie makers from around the world for one on one chats. It's a great way to meet interesting founders with similar revenue to you and burst out of your local bubble.
Saul Fleischman
I've spoken to two ppl through Founders' Club introductions. Very worthwhile!
Anthony Castrio
@osakasaul Thanks Saul, glad it's been going well, many more quality matches for you where those came from :)
Robin Mehta
So awesome, this is the community we need as the world is moving towards remote work. Excited for you @anthonycastrio!
Anthony Castrio
@rockinbinbin Thanks Robin!
Max Prilutskiy
Launching soon!
Good luck with the product! 👍
Anthony Castrio
@prilutskiy Thanks Max!
Nick Sweeting
Have seen lots of great connections made on Indie Worldwide over this past year!
Anthony Castrio
@thesquashsh Thanks Nick! Many more where those came from
Fajar Siddiq
nice work Anthony! ;) just saw the site. Congratulation on the launch. heads up: saw this site error https://indieworldwide.co/404 maybe it can be fix
Anthony Castrio
@fajarsiddiq Oo thanks for the compliment and for the heads up Fajar! Did you get to the 404 page due to an error? or intentionally?
Anthony Castrio
@fajarsiddiq Deployed a fix for the 404 page, now it's cute again.
Fajar Siddiq
@anthonycastrio Now it looks cute! ;) yeay. Well done for the quick turn around time fixing the site.
Fajar Siddiq
@anthonycastrio Also if you can make the social icons colors to #291f4f on the footer will be good visibly. 💜 Sending love
Anthony Castrio
@fajarsiddiq Good call, updated
Sergio Mattei
Incredible work Anthony! Big fan of your work connecting makers worldwide.
Anthony Castrio
@matteing Big fan of yours as well Sergio thank you :)
Stefan Smiljkovic
FC is interesting community. Love to be part of it.
Anthony Castrio
@stefan_smiljkovic Thanks Stefan, appreciate it
I got a chance to connect with pretty amazing people using this. Congratulations on the launch 👍!
Anthony Castrio
@1hakr Thanks dude, I've got a lot more folks I'd love you to meet :D
Dave Young
Excellent! Met some top notch quality folks via Indie Worldwide, looking forward to this
Anthony Castrio
@dave_young Thanks Dave!
Erik Garcia
In the isolated world we currently live in, Founders’ Club has been an invaluable way to meet other founders and builders who are all working on exciting companies and products. The individuals I have met so far have all been equally talented as they are passionate, and Founders’ Club made it happen.
Anthony Castrio
@erikwgarcia Thank you Erik, I'm so glad you're part of this group.
Max Kamyshev
Anthony Castrio
Hi Product Hunt 😄 For the past few weeks I've been running what I call an artisanal matching club. Once a week I send carefully selected introductions between members of the matching club based on revenue, shared interests, skillsets, and the type of businesses that they're building. The club is now over 150 people and I've made hundreds of introductions so far. Come join in on the fun, I've got some cool folks I'd love you to meet!
Michael Sieb
@anthonycastrio highly recommended!👋 I have been enjoying the community for quite some time now.
Anthony Castrio
Thanks for the kind words and the shares!
Tasos Valtinos
@anthonycastrio Hey man! Very cool concept. We are doing something similar and we have over 1,150 founders in already. I saw the way you match people, and I believe there is room for integration between our services. Let's chat. You can check us out here: https://mapped.rocks. I have an idea to bring more traction to both of us, and with revenues ;)
Anthony Castrio
@tasos_valtinos Hey, just followed you on Twitter, send me a DM?
Louis Vieira
I'm not a community person, but I have tried Founders' club - it has tangible value, so I recommend it. @anthonycastrio has made a terrific job curating the people inside so you'll always get matched with someone doing projects.
Anthony Castrio
@iamvieira Everyone listen to Louis :D, thank you
Matthew Gale
I’ve been a member since the beginning and I still meet weekly with some of my matches. Great community!
Anthony Castrio
@and1 Thanks for sticking around Matt, lots more where that came from :)
Michaela Greiler
I've met quite a few super interesting founders due to founder's club. Anthony always made sure to take out the complexity with scheduling meetings, and to guarantee founder's interests match together. Thank you for providing this great service. Love it!
Anthony Castrio
Thanks @mgreiler!
Jesse Jensen
•What if you are so new with no revenue? •How often do you meet, what day, and is it mandatory?
Anthony Castrio
@jessehojjensen If you're new, you'll mostly meet other new Founders, as you make more revenue you'll meet other Founders who've made more revenue as well. Intro's are sent out weekly on Tuesday's, you schedule the matches with your match. Once you've scheduled with someone it's mandatory that you show up (ghosts are removed from the club). You can skip a week whenever you want.
Lư Tài Phong (盧財豐)
One of my favorite sites. I love the spirit of this community so much.
Anthony Castrio
Alexandre Durand-Chabert
Yes I did it and its awesome ! Congrats Anthony for that
Anthony Castrio
@durandchabert Awesome, glad it's been a good experience so far!
Dan Bogachek
The most engrossing conversations I've had this year have all been over Founder's Club. The community Anthony has built is awesome. The service is practically hands free and consistently good, week over week. 10/10!
Anthony Castrio
@dan_bogachek Thanks so much dude, so glad you've been taking part. I've got a ton more very interesting folks to introduce you too.
Dru Riley
I've met some great people through Founders' Club. And before that, Indie Worldwide. Thanks @anthonycastrio!