Four-day week
A collaborative list of companies working just 4 days a week
Rafael Camargo
Four-day week — A collaborative list of companies working just 4 days a week
The idea behind 4DW is getting together all the companies that already work four days a week or that sympathize with shorter work weeks. You can contribute to this project filling a Google Form or opening a pull request on Github.
Rafael Camargo
Hello, Makers! Since April 2020, I have been working just four days a week. It has been incredible, and I thought now was a good time to start building a list of companies that promote, sympathize with, or encourage somehow this new work style. Would you like to start working just four days a week? Check it out now. Already working in a company that adopts a four-day week? Add the company to this project :) Hope you all enjoy it!
Rhymer Espinosa
@rcamargo A toast to the launch. <3 Genuinely rooting for your success.
Awee Gee
@rcamargo A toast to your new company! There is nothing you cannot overcome with your endurance and resolve. Best wishes and congratulations, dear friend!
Aktoty Kadyrbek
@rcamargo oh, i know there are going to be a lot of such in poland
Maksim Derevianko
Very handy and cool product!
Evgeniya Skoptsova
Super! Great initiative and very helpful!
Валерия Тигай
Congratulations on your launch! it will be interesting to know the statistics
Joshua Bretaña
@rcamargo Great start! I dont know how it became a standard to work for 5 days and get only 2 to rest, of course im not speaking on behalf of all industries but there are a lot right now that can be achieved in 4 days especially with all the technology to speed things up.
Drea Scott
I love the idea and this looks so promising !