Aris Alexis

Frida van Lisa - A sci-fi crime crypto story hidden inside an NFT

This is the first crypto crime story encrypted inside an NFT on the Ethereum blockchain. A collaboration with the writer (Alexis) and the artist (Gus) that made the cover artwork collectively known as Bored Mind Inc.

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Aris Alexis
Hi all! I am a developer by trade but took some time during the pandemic to be a little bit creative so I decided to write a short sci-fi crypto crime story set in the near future. It all started by a friend director/actor asking around for ideas for some short movie shot by a hand camera with clearly defined "scenes" and I took up the task. Thinking of where and how to distribute it so it matches the theme I decided to collaborate with Gus, a Brazilian artist to create the artwork. Then we commonly decided that it would be awesome to make this into an NFT. This is the first NFT image with an encrypted story in it. The encryption itself doesn't have a password and it's fairly easy to read the story. I will leave it as a game, otherwise you can DM me on Twitter to tell you the very straightforward instructions. tldr; cool story encrypted in NFT, you don't have to buy it to read it. P.S The short movie never materialized. Maybe some day, someone will.
BruceTheGoose | $DOWN
@aris_alexis Howdy~ This seems really interesting! I've been wondering since this time last year why we hadn't seen more NFT literature, so the its wild to just now finally see something on that front now that the whole world showing up in NFT land all at once. I tried to dm you on twitter; as (if you've got the time) I think there may be a lot of potential to collaborate and make cool stuff. I'm an NFT OG and maximalist;. currently one-man-army'ing my way through NFThub but have a lot of more fun and enjoyable projects in mind once its in the hands of the community
Lauren Proctor
Very cool. Thanks for sharing, @aris_alexis. From what I can tell, NFT has yet to hit Fan Fiction and/or the Choose Your Own Adventure space. (If there's anything I've missed, definitely let me know in the comments!) I appreciate the fact that you're leading the pack. What made you decide to make the story free for anyone to download? Do you have any predictions for how blockchain will revolutionize narrative storytelling? Thanks again for sharing!
Aris Alexis
@laurenproctor32 thanks for your kind words. Blockchain and NFTs are about provable transferable ownership and I thought why not in books and writing? Even if the story is free, this is a form of copyright so I can prove I was the creator of the story. You can also copyright it using government tools but this is international, permanent and very easy. My aim at writing the story was not to make money, I'm delighted if people read it and get something out of it so I thought the best options is to make it free. The NFT is not free though, that's an experiment on very few copies of an original written work.
Sam Bauch
Interesting idea - can you share more about how the story is encrypted in the image? Is the image stored on IPFS?
Aris Alexis
@sammybauch It's not as hard as it sounds. It's actually embedded and you can extract it using Winrar to open the image file :) More sophisticated encryption would be overkill since this is a free book in the end, it's just a proof of concept about how NFTs could work in the future.