Vincent Koc

Friend - A wearable companion


A wearable device designed to keep you company. A friend, non-imaginary, to combat loneliness.

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Remus Negrota
I see no one is asking the hard questions. How is your data kept safe? On the website, it states you use end-to-end encryption. How is that possible if data is sent to a server and the LLM needs to get the input of your conversation?
Bruno Nascimento
@remus_negrota No one is asking the hard questions because most of the comments here are from bots. Take a look at their profiles, and the very similar language they all use in this launch and all others they've commented on. Sketchy.
Ksenia Meshkova
Launching soon!
Hey, very interesting idea! Congrats on the launch! I really like your promo video, it feels like an episode from Black Mirror πŸ™ˆ Best of luck!!πŸ€
Anastasiia Stepko
@kksrm haha I just wrote a similar comment without seeing yours. Isn't it a bit terrifying?
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
Mad props @kodjima33 for calling out Avi's theft of your product!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@marinaduric I dunno, but at least @kodjima33 didn't blow most of his investment capital on a domain name.
Adam Silverman
Great work Avi
Congratulations to the team behind this innovative wearable companion! however, How do you ensure the privacy and security of the users' data? Are there any specific measures in place to protect sensitive information?
Anastasiia Stepko
When I started watching your video guys, it felt like the episode of Black Mirror, I was awaiting for some weird things to happen by the end. Luckily all good haha
a depressing lack of the domain name discourse on here
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@macakmacak $1.3M was a deal! πŸ˜‚
Emily Willis
Launching soon!
Congrats on your launch. The video has me confused. I don't understand how the 'friend' is adding value to the lives of those in the video. The disconnect from the wearable to receiving an SMS feels odd to me. Why wouldn't the device include audio and speak to you if you wanted it to? Are there many use cases where people would want a wearable AI 'friend' when they're with real human friends? It's more likely the use case is when people are alone but in that case, what's the intention in terms of value? Is it for mental health? Or to replace google if you want to know something quickly without having to get your phone out of your pocket etc? Who are you targeting for this device out of interest?
AndrΓ© J
@emily_willis1 Its more about. recording the ambience. and interpreting the context over time. And then injecting these small interactions into your life so you can feel more connected. Its not trying to be your parrot on you shoulder japping all day.
Salar Davari
Loved the idea behind it. Congrats on the launch.
Bertha Kgokong
Well done guys
Great Idea!, Is there a way, i could integrate it with my other wearable devices like smart watch or so?
AndrΓ© J
πŸ’– Love the narrow focus here! Less is more!
Ishaq Oyiza
The concept of having a non-imaginary friend as a wearable device is amazing. Excited to see how this helps people. Congratulations!
Enyi Bassey
This products looks promising. Addressing loneliness with a wearable device is a unique approach.
Navya c
A friend in need !
Mustafa S.
Great tool, we are one step closer to digital slavery and eternal loneliness.
Jack Michalak
Congrats on the launch! There was another similar company that I commented on a few days ago, but they never responded. I hope you will have some thoughts to share, so I'm going to copy a majority of that comment here: I'd be interested in hearing about your perspective on the legal and social implications here. First, most of the large population centers in the USA are in All-Party Consent States. I recognize this does not apply in public where you have no expectation of privacy, but then users are obligated to inform people they're recording in all sorts of other situations. (Though in many states the penalties aren't very high.) Second, a few times I've found out people were recording me with devices like this one without my knowledge, and I have to say, that's a super shitty experience. I don't like the experience of being recorded, with or without my knowledge and consent. I act differently when I know I'm being recorded, and I think it would interfere with the authenticity and intimacy of my interactions, especially with friends. I know this kind of thing is going to become more and more common, and I'm not sure yet how we are going to handle it as a society. I'd love to hear more about what you think the future of these kinds of products looks like.
@busmark_w_nika hi, Congrats on your product release. Is there a way, i could try this product before placing an order?
Carlvensky St Fleur
I thought I'd seen this launch a few days before.
Gerald Soriano
I came here from the ProductHunt email to comment on the embedded button labeled: "Buy a friend" I was curious to know what were the alternative texts for that label.