Bogomil Shopov - Бого

Free AI Email Subject Line Generator - Create impactful unique subject lines using AI and GPT-3

Are you tired of all the basic subject line generators that give you the same old cookie-cutter ideas? Create unique subject lines with a free AI email subject line generator based on GPT-3. Simply enter the topic of the email and let the AI do its magic.

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Michael Ofei
Hey Hunters! I had the opportunity to author the accompanying blog post with the launch of this email subject line generator. After dabbling into different AI writing tools, I was pretty blown away by the variety of suggestions this was outputting during beta testing. Equally impressive is the UI and the integration directly into composing email messages in Encharge. I'm excited for the community to play with this subject line generator and drastically reduce the time spent copywriting for marketing emails.
Kalo Yankulov
Hey Hunters, Excited to share our free AI-powered Subject Line Generator! If you Google around for subject line generators, you will quickly notice that all of them use a set of 5-10 pre-defined text formulas and simply rotate them to give you a bunch of the same old subject line ideas. :( It’s 2022 and it’s time to repair all that bad reputation subject line generators have. That’s why we created the first completely free subject line generator powered by GPT-3’s AI. Our AI tool can contextualize queries from Taylor Swift, self-publishing, Yeezy’s, and succulents — then spit out enchanting email subject lines that would’ve taken a skilled email marketer hours to come up with. This isn’t a templated system that doesn’t understand your industry’s lingo. We use the GPT-3 protocol developed by OpenAI (co-founded by Elon Musk) to scrape the internet and predict human-like word formulations to produce attention-grabbing copy. We are constantly improving it, so we’d love to hear your feedback. Check out the generator.
Anil Agrawal
@kaloyanyankulov Encharge is now charged up even more with this AI Email subject line generator! @enchargeio
Diliana Georgieva
Wow! I tried it for my YouTube channel, because I was struggling with the title and now I've got the perfect one!
Bogomil Shopov - Бого
I just run a small experiment for a campaign I was planning and I can say I am mostly happy with the proposals. Maybe you could try to filter some of the results if they contain "possibly offensive" words
Kalo Yankulov
@bogomep Thanks for the tip and glad you are happy with the results! Definitely a lot we can do with filters.
Jesus G Vazquez
Congratulations on hour launch. If this is even remotely as good as Encharge, your other product, this will be awesome. Best of luck!
Kalo Yankulov
@jesus_g_vazquez Thank you, Jesus! Glad you like Encharge.
Brijesh Parikh
A very promising product.
Slav Ivanov
Excited to be on Product Hunt! Developer of the tool here. We are improving the suggestions daily, so we’d love to hear your feedback.
Jenn Pereira
Amazing tool! Congrats for the launching.
Michael Brannon
A great addition to the Encharge Platform
Kalo Yankulov
@me_brannon Thank you, Michael! We are soon launching our Magic Writer tool based on the same technology. Stay tuned :)
Anil Agrawal
Encharge is now “charged up” even more with this AI Email subject line generator! @enchargeio
Dawn Veltri
Well, this is fun! I didn't know subject line generators were even a thing. I'm definitely going to use this the next time I need some inspiration.
Kalo Yankulov
@dawn_veltri1 Let us know how it goes!
Shawn P McConnon
Nice! Encharge is leading the way for email marketing automation. One of the best tools out there for your marketing stack.
Jason August
Thanks for the subject line generator! It creates subject lines that will work for me, and generates effective text I would never have thought of myself.
Kalo Yankulov
@gourmet Hey Jason, glad you found the generator useful!
Naomi West
Hey Michael! Fellow email geek here. Excited to give this a go!
Kalo Yankulov
@naomi_west Let us know how you find the results :)
Woow 🤯 finally! Definitely gonna give it a try.
Christian Just
Sounds super interesting, good luck!
Kalo Yankulov
@christian_just Thank you! Let us know if you try it.
Folio Manager
Exciting tool! Best wishes.
Arun Sarathy
Best meaningful addition to Encharge! Can't wait to use it for all my title needs. Thank you for creating this much needed tool!
David Tran
A very promising product.
Awesome! This tool can help a lot! Not just with generating emails' subjects, but it is also helping us to be more concrete, consistent, and effective! ^_^ Congrats on the launch!