John Doherty

Linkbuildr for WordPress - Automated content promotion for Wordpress


Linkbuildr is a free Wordpress plug-in that takes the pain out of promoting your content. Simply write your post, fill in some contact details and hit publish - Linkbuildr does the rest.

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nick eubanks
Thanks so much for sharing @dohertyjf ! We built this tool over a year ago and have been testing it on our own sites. Sites running Linkbuildr have seen an average increase in shares and mentions of almost 30% over sites without it. It's the tool I always wanted; so we built it :)
John Doherty
Nick is a long time friend in the SEO industry and has built an incredible agency and set of tools over the years to enable SEO success. Linkbuildr is something I have wanted to exist for years.
nick eubanks
@dohertyjf Thanks again for the support John!
Suganthan Mohanadasan
Fantastic tool! Good job Nick!
Steven van Vessum
That looks neat! Can you share what else is on the roadmap, any integrations planned with for instance and other platforms?
nick eubanks
@stevenvvessum Thanks Steven! We already have a version ready that integrates with and Amazon SES to significantly speed up finding contact emails and improve email deliverability. Then we'll be adding a module that automatically recommends internal links (including anchor text) based on topical term overlap between posts (since the tech is already parsing all the content in the posts anyway :P )
Yuri Burchenya
Great stuff, @nick_eubanks ! Thanks for sharing this with the community. I think the subject line "Gave you a shoutout" will quickly find it's way to many custom "Skip the inbox" filters in Gmail 😅
nick eubanks
@yuriburchenya definitely, it’s just a default template so users can activate the plugin and immediately use it. The intention is for people to create their own templates that better fit their audiences.
Csaba Demeter
Great job Nick! Time saver!
Fraser McCulloch
well done Nick; can you use the tool with published posts by changing status to draft ?
nick eubanks
@fraser_mcculloch Hey Fraser - Originally this wasn't intended but while testing for the demo last week I realized this is a MUST HAVE, so we're adding it now and it will be released in an update later this week!
Austin Benton
Super useful tool, another gem from the FTF team
nick eubanks
@austinbenton1 Thanks for your support Austin
Ken Savage
So glad that this is GDPR compliant. I’ve been getting subscribers asking about it and now I don’t have to worry using this plug-in.
nick eubanks
@kensavage This was really important for us to add (along with the support for Gutenberg) but makes all the difference in the world.
Zach Weber
Such a great tool. For someone who isn't in Wordpress day in and day out, it makes promoting and posting content SO much easier. - cheers
Eric Covino
I signed up for product hunt just to upvote this because anything Nick & his team builds is worth getting.
This is crazy time-saver! Can you manually update the mailing list?
nick eubanks
@laura_pompeu thanks Laura! There’s a master contact database view that you can use to add/edit/delete contacts. We’re going to spin up a Google Sheet integration to make it faster to export all domains from your post database AND we already have a version built that has an integration with Roadmap includes adding an integration for Mailchimp as well.
Damian Chlanda
Hello, there is no explanation how it works.
nick eubanks
@damian_chlanda Hey Damian - I walked through it in the video. I also write a detailed post about the process here:
Steven Jacobs
This is a great idea. Does it use the website's SMTP servers to send out the emails?
nick eubanks
@stevenjacobs_ Hey Steven - yes, this version uses the same mail servers that any messages sent from the wordpress install uses. We are releasing a version that will have an integration option with Amazon SES in the next week or so.
Brendan Hufford
Great work Nick and thanks for sharing John! Love this having seen it in action (as you'd guess from the video). - Brendan "Brendon" Hufford
nick eubanks
@brendan_hufford1 LOL that's my bad man!! It has since been corrected. Thanks for your support though man.
Brendan Hufford
@nick_eubanks Sorry for the double comment. I totally ignored the ability to show more comments and thought my first one didn't go through.
nick eubanks
@brendan_hufford1 unbelievable Brendan how dare you.
Paul Blair
Fantastic tool!
Damn this is awesome! Great work Nick!
nick eubanks
@mercenarycarter Holy crap, thanks man!
Andreas Duess
Super useful. Thank you.
Selena Vidya
Something I wish existed for so long!
Stephen Sumner
Upvoted and shared, best of luck Nick and team! :-)
nick eubanks
@mrstephensumner Thanks for all your support Stephen