Mansidak Singh

Frost 4.0 - Minimal mood-inducing writing app

Introducing Frost 4.0: The Netflix of writing apps. Get your first draft going without any hassle. No bells and whistles. Just you and your writing. Available for free on all desktop/laptop browsers.
🦌 Recommended browser: Chrome, Safari.

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Mansidak Singh
Hope y'all are doing well! It's been more than a year since Frost 3.0 was launched and so far it's been used by over 19,000 users worldwide. In 4.0, there are bunch of new updates like Dynamic Themes, new interface to select themes, ability to go full bleed, ability to shuffle background, and new shortcuts to do any of the above. And of course, there are new themes. 🦌 Lots of users expressed how they would prefer animated backgrounds in the Cosmos theme which inspired me to add dynamic backgrounds in most of the themes. Dynamic themes were very carefully designed and programmed because the whole purpose was to get the user in the zone and not distract them. I would encourage you to check out the page to learn more about them 🦌 Full Screen was a no-brainer because majority of the users expressed that the potential to open even a single tab is distracting for them, so I added a full-bleed option that goes beyond your browser's window. 🦌 Shuffle was another big one because, again, people desired versatility among themes and being able to change the backgrounds while still maintaining their text progress within the same theme family was a highly requested functionality. 🦌 In 3.0 you had to click through all the themes to get to the theme you actually desired to write but in 4.0 you can scroll away and browse however you like. 🦌 And finally, there are 30 new themes. As intimidating as it may sound, all the themes took four months to be designed and I made sure each theme stood out on its own and had sufficient music (17 hours in total in this update). There are several families with countless variety in music(Classical, Baroque, Ambient, Chamber, Lo-fi, Instrumental Rnb, Acoustic, Folk, Christmas, Parisian Jazz.). Again, the music was chosen very carefully that allows you to focus and get into the writing mood. Whether you need to jot down your to-do list in 'Calm', write some romance lyrics to your loved ones in 'October', or get into the Cafe ambiance in 'Rooms', Frost can help you get started on any writing project.
This feels like the art-house version of the Hemingway app! Amazing product! good luck with the launch @mansidak_singh1
Mansidak Singh
@ajeyasriganesh Haha quite the analogy. Thanks for checking it out, Ajeya!
Michael Pirovano
@ajeyasriganesh @mansidak_singh1 I'm interested to know what technologies and designs inspire/fascinate/motivate you. Who is so good at what you do it makes you jealous?
Vibin Aravindakshan
@mansidak_singh1 This is awesome! I use Scrivener for my heavy writing, but quite often getting the right mood to write is a hassle. I went and wrote something quick on your Web UI. Loved the minimalist design, calm music and the ambience. I didn't find any obvious way to signin and save my writings, is there a feature?
Mansidak Singh
@vibin_arav Hey Vibiv! Thanks for checking it out. Glad it helped you write! You can always download your progress in a .txt file which is compatible with both Mac and Windows devices. The download button is on the bottom of all themes. And Frost also autosaves your content every 0.25 milliseconds using your browser's local storage so even when you refresh/close the page, your content stays there. Lemme know if you have any other questions!
Samraaj Bath
I absolutely love this! Getting in the “flow state” for writing is so difficult, and I know this will help a ton.
Mansidak Singh
@samraaj_bath1 Thanks, Samraaj! Appreciate you checking out.
welt maschine
A great tool! My question is: can I turn the music off? I don't always like to hear background music. Thanks for an excellent writing experience.
Mansidak Singh
@weltmaschine I wanted to add a mute option but since minimalism was the main motive I didn't a whole another option for it because I realized one can always mute the tab! Thanks for checking it out!
Abey Koshy Itty
This is sooooo beautiful. Love it!
Mansidak Singh
@abeykoshyitty So glad you like it, Abey!
Arnav Bathla
This would be super useful for getting into flow state! Good luck with the (re)launch
Mansidak Singh
@arnavbathla Thanks, Arnav! Lemme know how it goes.
Lokhesh Ujhoodha
Just gave this a try it's amazing! I bookmarked it and will try it again when I am blogging. Only thing is may be my laptop is weak because I experienced some lag when I was typing but apart from that great job!
Mansidak Singh
@lougarou Glad to know you liked it! Yeah the current version can be kind of heavy and I'm starting work on a desktop app soon!
Sartaj Gill
What an innovative idea @mansidak_singh1, Congratulations on the new version!
Mansidak Singh
@sgillpeacex Thanks, Sartaj! 👊🏼
Sarah Bond
That visuals are great!
Prerit Seth
A product that inspires and delights! Mansidak you’ve delivered something that’s beautiful and its very clear all the time, thought, and care that went into this. Although I’m not a huge free flow writer, Frost may have just inspired me to give it a shot :)
Aydıncan Ataberk
Love the update video!
Mansidak Singh
@aydincan_ataberk Thanks!! Glad you liked it.
Shashwat Bagaria
Great Video! Super minimalistic app. Loved it! Is there way I can integrate it anywhere?