Fundamental Analysis
We help find stonks that are diamonds in the rough.
Fundamental Analysis by StockAlgos — We help find stonks that are diamonds in the rough
Want to trade like Buffet? Now you can with the Fundamentals tool. It is like a better version of Yahoo finance that teaches you what the metrics should be and easily allows you to sort and filter through thousands of stocks to find the best ones.
Hi everyone, I’m the maker of Fundamentals Tool, a tool that helps you find undervalued stocks based on fundamental analysis. I created this tool because I wanted to make it easier for investors to do their own research and make informed decisions. This tool provides you with key metrics, comparisons, and filters for any stock. You can also see how the stock performs against its peers and the market. The Fundamentals Tool is designed to be simple, fast, and reliable. We try to teach you the ratios and the ranges they should be in. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned investor, this tool can help you discover great opportunities and invest smarter. I would love to hear your feedback and suggestions on how to improve the product. Please feel free to ask me any questions or share your thoughts in the comments. Thank you for checking us out!
@1mirul Thank you!
maria jackine
Congrats on the launch! I’ve been following your progress for a while and I’m excited to try it out. What are some of the challenges you faced while building this?
Steven A. Parsons
Wow, this is exactly what I need! I’ve been looking for a solution like this for ages. How does it work and what are the benefits?
Karen Carol
This is amazing! I’ve been a fan of your previous products and this one is no exception. How do you manage to create such innovative and useful products?
Archie Wells
This is amazing! I’m a big fan of your work and this product is another example of your excellence. How do you balance innovation and customer needs?
Reece Goodwin
Great product! I’ve been using it for a few days and I’m impressed by the quality and the ease of use. What are your plans for the future?
Martha Hunt
This is awesome! I’ve been waiting for a tool like this for a long time. How do you keep your data updated and accurate?
jacki voytra
I’ve been using this tool for a few months and I’m very happy with it. It helps me analyze the financial performance and health of any company in minutes. It’s easy to use, accurate and reliable. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to invest smarter.
Stanley Danielle J
This tool is amazing! It saves me so much time and effort in researching stocks. It gives me all the information I need to make informed decisions. It’s very user-friendly, intuitive and fast. It’s the best tool I’ve ever used for stock analysis.
Jose M. Jackson
Dannng this is a game-changer for me. It allows me to access and compare the key metrics and ratios of any company in seconds. It’s very comprehensive. Well done!
Rose Brown
It's great to see a tool that helps investors make informed decisions and discover undervalued stocks. Looking forward to seeing how Fundamentals Tool evolves in the future!
Williamx Alex
Congrats on the launch! I’ve been following your progress for a while and I’m excited to try it out. What are some of the challenges you faced while building this?
@williamx_ Thank you! It was quite challenging do find good and affordable data providers.
travor vegron
This is fantastic! I love how you made your product fun and engaging. How do you measure user feedback and satisfaction?
Raki Seamson
This is incredible! I’m interested in learning more about your story and your vision. What inspired you to create this?
@rakiseamson Middle class is getting squeezed. They need help :)
This is very cool! I like how you solved a common problem in a simple and elegant way. How do you differentiate yourself from the competitors?
@yasder We like to think that our layout is better :)
Alexander Koller
The sorting and filtering features make it easy to understand and analyze a company's financial metrics,
Rita Tondreau
Congratulations on the launch! This is a very impressive product. How did you validate your idea and find your target market?
anthony weber
As a long-term investor, the Fundamentals Tool seems to be like a tool I need to add. Thanks for the launch!
Arif ali
How did you come up with this idea? It’s brilliant!
Adam Bowen
The sorting and filtering features make it easy to understand and analyze a company's financial metrics, giving me a better understanding of the market.