Julio Castillo

K Blocker - Kardashian content blocker for iOS


The easiest way to block all the Kardashian clan once and for all. Block links, images and websites related to the Kardashians.

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Julio Castillo
Hi everyone, maker here. Just a little experiment on using iOS 9 content blocking extensions for something different than just ad blocking. Some actual content can be more annoying than ads :) Hopefully some of you find this useful.
Dre Durrđź’ˇ
@stressfree Is there any plans for a TV version of this. I would love to keep them off forever. haha
@dredurr @stressfree Just take your cable box, throw it off of a building and join the 21st century.
Sarbo Roy
This is the most useful product ever
Olusola Ak
This app is gold, I shall secretly install it on my girlfriend's phone. Cool way to treat Kardashian obsession.
Nicholas Spinazze
Omg this! So much this! I've wanted something like this for years!!
J. Ivey
David Carpe
the whole internet is faster now!
Eder Holguin
Greatest app ever. Now, if someone can make a version that works on TV that would be wonderful.
Dina Emde
Thank you.
jessica sagoskin
This is brilliant! Is there an Android version coming out at any point?
Nicholas Spinazze
Omg this! So much this! I've wanted something like this for years!!
Apoorv Saini
most useful ever!!!
Philip Kushmaro
Thank you... just thank you....
Philip Kushmaro
how did I just see this now!!! please do this for chrome. Please!!!!!!!!
Douglas Conde

Love this, I want a version for the British Royal Family. I care less about them than the Kardisian family.


No Kardisian News, simple, effective, awesome



Douglas Conde
Fourty Thousand thumbs up!! Please consider making a version that blocks the British “Royal” Family.
Oh God thanks I thought it's no way not to see their faces
Oliver Olson
Maybe it was an idea of Kardashian's spouses lol