Design your unique 3D portfolio by harnessing the power of cutting-edge web technologies with our innovative tool. Furypage is made to unlock limitless possibilities and enhance your digital capabilities.
Hey Hunters,
I created FuryPage as a simple way to design 3D portfolio online. Harness the power of cutting-edge web technologies with this innovative tool made to unlock limitless possibilities and enhance your digital capabilities.
Here’s why you’ll love it:
* Our customizable templates offer a versatile portfolio-building experience, no coding needed.
* Put your project details, skills, social networks, etc so that visitors can see all your work in one place.
* We've created the most user-friendly and powerful interface to make it easy for you to express yourself creatively.
* Camera Movement, Light Direction, Particles, Scroll Path, Shaped Content, Mouse Trail, everything is possible.
But don’t take my word for it:
* « I was looking for a tool with new features that would showcase my art portfolio differently and uniquely! That's exactly what FuryPage does! I love showing off my site to new customers and friends. » @dr3amneptune, illustrator at Los Angeles
* « Wow it looks so cool! It is such a great tool for putting together an interactive portfolio! » @MadMaraca, Voxel artist from Istanbul
* « FuryPage brilliantly combines aesthetic appeal with user-friendly navigation, making it an impressive showcase of our talent and expertise. » @charles, Designer from Paris
I share my progress here if you are interested in things related to 3D online!
@loise_mercier1, I've spent a lot of time with creatives from different professions to find the best and easiest way to show off beautiful work. I can't wait to see what you build.
Designing a 3D portfolio without any coding sounds like a dream come true. Customizable templates and all those cool features—I'm in! Can’t wait to show off my "mad skills" in 3D!
congrats on the launch, fury page sounds like a refreshing way to showcase creative work. i am curious, how do you ensure the templates remain responsive across different devices while maintaining their intricate 3D elements? might appeal to a wide range of designers looking for both function and visual impact
@mashy that is a really good question. FuryPage is actually based on bootstrap! It “simply” translates the position and size of 2D HTML elements into 3D space. So everything remains visible, whatever the device and the scrolling path.
Designing 3D portfolios sounds super unique and eye-catching. But with so many portfolio websites out there, how will Furypage convince creators to switch and what will make Furypage stand out in a crowded market?
@p_val, I think your first sentence answers the question, at least that's what I bet. More and more creatives are using 3D effects for their portfolios, whether they code themselves or get a friend to code for them. The aim here is to make creating super unique and eye-catching portfolios easy for any creative who wants to stand out!
Loved your product. I was thinking that services based companies show their projects on their website. If you guys can create an iFrame or something like that so companies can show their projects on their website in 3D, that would be pretty cool.
All the best!
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