Hiten Shah

Remote Work Statistics - Every remote work statistic you ever wanted to know.

We’ve scoured the Internet for every statistic about remote work you could ever need. You’ll find 19 categories of remote work statistics in this browsable, searchable directory that makes it super easy for anyone to cite stats in content, satisfy their curiosity and even explain the benefits of remote work.

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Hiten Shah
Phew. This one was a massive effort. We didn’t know exactly what we were getting into when we started. We just knew how valuable it could be based on our own experience looking for remote work statistics. Finding as many remote work related stats as we could, judging each one, and putting them all in one place. Then the hard part started. We had to design something that made it as easy as possible to find all the remote work statistics in one place, actually on one page. We went through what feels like countless feedback loops with actual people who would use it. The result is this one page with all the best remote work statistics you need for citing in your content, helping discuss remote work with your company and of course sharing with friends and colleagues. We’ll be adding more stats as they come out and improving the design too. @marie_prokopets and I would love to hear your thoughts.
@marie_prokopets @hnshah @owenfar1 Idk man, they make valuable content and people seem to enjoy it. We should encourage content marketing. Product Hunt is the appropriate place, not Reddit or HackerNews.
Marie Prokopets
@hnshah @owenfar1 Hi Owen, thanks for the critical and harsh feedback. It’s always insightful to hear even the harshest of opinions from people. Even though it's not quite typical for Product Hunt. So, Product Hunt has historically been a place for launches of products (of all kinds), books, reports, videos, virtual summits and even podcasts. You’ll see even AngelList (which owns Product Hunt) launched its Year in Review in 2015 on Product Hunt. You can also search for “Report” and find tons, same goes with Podcasts. In the case of this specific launch, we not only did all the work required of building valuable content (research, gathering data, organizing it, curating it, etc) but we also turned it into a product through design (it took us a while and lots of iterations to land where we did), code (it’s built in Ruby on Rails), search, filters, ability to copy statistics easily, light/dark mode. We also got feedback from over 50 people throughout the process and iterated it until it was a valuable and worthy product to launch. We always aim to deliver a ton of value to the Product Hunt community, and I believe that we do. We are passionate about remote/distributed work ourselves, and want to share what we create with the community. Have a nice day.
Marie Prokopets
I’ve been writing A LOT about remote work. Every time I went to write a report or a post, I had to dig and dig and dig until I could immerse myself and find the right statistics. We decided to change all that. So we scoured reports and articles, and went through the effort of finding all the statistics about remote work. The good, and the bad. And we put them all into one place. We even added dark and light mode, to help with legibility. We’ve split everything up into 19 categories to help you learn all about remote work. Personally, I learned so much more about remote work by documenting these statistics - and I was already an expert. There’s so much gold about coworking spaces, productivity, demographics, and much more. People we shared this directory with early described a bunch of use cases for it - here are just a few: - Convincing your boss to let you go remote - Considering offering flexible work for your company - Creating company policies - Satisfying your interest - Writing about remote work I’d love to hear what you’re going to do with the stats!
Ellen Choi
@marie_prokopets and @hnshah this is great and very easily packaged! What would prob take this to the next level is if you aggregated those stats along the uses cases you've stated above...for example, for the employee trying to convince her boss to let her go remote, what are stats for pros and cons out there? Being the lazy human, what I'm asking for is the synthesis layer on top of all this amazing stats so I have to do even less work :). I can think of a bunch of use cases that can be put into a Q&A form (i.e. "How can you convince your boss to let you go remote", "Why should you care about the remote trend").
Hiten Shah
@marie_prokopets @lnchoi I love your ideas! Thank you for sharing those, we are looking to improve this over time and will consider what you're saying. We had similar thoughts but had to save somethings for the next set of iterations =)
Ellen Choi
@marie_prokopets @hnshah totally understand, that product tension of shipping something ASAP while still a MVP...looking forward to the next iteration!
Waikit Lau
Well done @hnshah @marie_prokopets! This is just awesome data. Remote work is becoming a thing. A big thing. As my friend @sudotong tweeted yesterday - "Once you go remote, you can't go back".
Marie Prokopets
@hnshah @sudotong @waikit Thanks Waikit, glad you like it. And, your friend is so right, that's what happens to most people :)
Farhan Mustafa
Love it! I've been thinking a lot about better experiences to sort through factoids and endless "list of stats" articles - and voila, y'all did it. Excited to see more. Can people contribute to the directory?
Marie Prokopets
@farhan_mustafa2 Absolutely, you can suggest stats - here's the typeform to do that (it currently shows up if you can't find an item in search): https://hnshah.typeform.com/to/K...
Pradip Khakhar
Nice work @hnshah and @marie_prokopets so many stats and the source. The future of work is remote IMO and some fantastic stats as support. My two fav categories "growth of remote" and "Learning style" Thank you for researching and making it easier to share these stats.
Marie Prokopets
@hnshah @pradipcloud Thanks for the feedback. I love that you like Learning style & growth of remote. I had never really thought about how learning style affects remote until I came across those stats. My favorite category is productivity :)
Leo Bassam
This is absolutely brilliant, thank you! I can't wait to share it with our community :)
Marie Prokopets
@leobassam Glad you like it!
This is a great resource! Trying to convince people to try remote work is still difficult in many circles and having data to back up my proposals will be great.
Marie Prokopets
@abrewing Glad it's going to be useful for you when you need to back up your proposals!
Hasan Diwan
I thought this was using sensors, github, or something to COLLECT statistics. Colour me disappointed, but then I recognized that it's your itch your solving for and not mine. So, enjoy your upvote!
Vincent Turner
Maybe a filter for observed vs forecast?
Good stuff!
Anthony Pelosi
Thank you for adding challenges as well as to not make it biased towards an agenda. https://usefyi.com/remote-work-s... I recently had someone leave due to lack of growth path mostly driven by being remote - was offered a different position but required being on-site majority of the time. I guess that's as much of a function of the business and the importance it puts on being on-site, but of course a lot of companies who serve clientele are more successful when serving their needs in-person.
Marie Prokopets
@tonypelosi Thanks for the feedback Anthony, we absolutely pulled in as many of the more "negative" stats as we could, from challenges to revenue and beyond. There are actually a few stats about how generally people who work remotely don't get promoted as often as those who are on site, which seems to match with the experience you mentioned.
Anita Kirkovska
Nice job team - I love it.
Madilaine Venzon
Congrats on the launch! I love remote work!
Prinye Ann Stewart
Nice observation