Hiten Shah

The Remote Work Report - Everyone loves remote work. Find out why.

Dogs. Cats. 180+ remote work tips. Embarrassing remote work stories. How people really feel about remote work. Remote work challenges. Statistics about remote work meetings. Find all this and more in The Remote Work Report: Why Everyone Loves Remote Work.

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Marie Prokopets
It’s insane how much people love remote work. 96% of people we surveyed said they would recommend it to a friend. 91% said working remotely was a good fit for them. People. Love. Remote. But it’s not all sunshine and kittens in your lap while you work. There are plenty of challenges. Communication issues. Loneliness and isolation. Lack of connectivity. Difficulty socializing during the week. Meetings with poor audio quality. We wrote all about the joys and challenges of remote work, plus put together 180+ tips and best practices for working remotely from remote workers. Here is some of the goodness we cover: - Why people love working remotely - People’s #1 challenge with remote work - Best practices and tips for working remotely - How many years people have been working remotely - Remote workers by company size and role - The state of remote meetings - An entire section dedicated to remote pets 🐶🐱 - Remote work fun 🚀🕺 - And much, much more! This was the most fun I’ve ever had writing a report. Please let us know what you think in the comments ❤️
Hiten Shah
Just like @marie_prokopets said, this report and the tips directory has many key insights that we learned about what it’s really like to work remotely. We are super excited to finally share this knowledge with you today. And a very special thank you to the thousands of people who responded to our tweets and also gave us their remote work tips and best practices. Please comment with your thoughts. Did any of the statistics and/or insights standout to you? How do you feel about remote work? We’re going to be doing more research on remote/distributed work and we can’t wait to hear what you think and what you want to know about remote work next!
Artur Piszek
@marie_prokopets @hnshah Thank you so much for putting this together! What is usually missing in discussions about remote work is how it empowers people who would not be able to contribute otherwise. If I am already living in a big city, Remote Work is a great benefit. But If I am a person that does not have access to a huge job market, it's the only way for me to contribute. Otherwise I would have to move and seek work elsewhere. It will be very exciting to see when the worforce enabled by remote work will enter the job market.
Marie Prokopets
@hnshah @artpi Thanks for the feedback Artur - you are totally right that remote empowers people to live anywhere they want. Lots of the people who responded to our survey and provided tips lived all over, a few in RVs, some in Bali, others mentioned how they appreciated the fact that they could live outside of big cities and still have the job they wanted.
Luke Thomas
Really well-done report, nice work! One thing I would have liked to see is how many remote employees meet-up in person (and how frequently). Many naysayers of remote work oftentimes assume this is a binary working arrangement, when the reality is that distributed teams will oftentimes meet-up in person on a quarterly/bi-annual basis. I've found these to be critical to making remote work...work
Kai Gradert
@lukethomas14 At AngelList and Product Hunt we usually aim for a team (in person) offsite or onsite once a year.
Marie Prokopets
@lukethomas14 Thanks so much Luke! Really good question about in-person meet ups. A few people mentioned their company practices in the tips section, but I'll definitely put it into our list of things to dig into as we do more research on remote.
Arpit Choudhury
Being such a huge proponent of remote work, nothing is more exciting to be able to contribute to this awesome initiative. I particularly like the fact that it says that "Remote work is nothing new", which is what I tell people too. There's definitely more awareness and adoption now which has been made possible due to present day's connectivity and tools. However, I have been working remotely for almost 7 years and my uncle has been doing it for 20. As remote work gains steam, it is super important to talk about challenges faced by those who work 100% remotely. A lot of people think that working remotely is a luxury, which I think it partially is, but it is anything but easy. Cheers @hnshah and @marie_prokopets for putting this together!
Marie Prokopets
@hnshah @irhymeth It's interesting for me coming from an industry (before tech) where remote work was so incredibly rare. For me, it was completely new, and yet it's been happening for years and years - as you said, 7 years for you, 20 for your uncle. And you're right that remote is anything but easy - acknowledging and working through the challenges is key.
Arpit Choudhury
@hnshah @marie_prokopets Yup as my uncle told me about 8 years back when asked if he always works from home, "I do go to the office if we have an important meeting, and I need to be physically present for it." :)
Aazar Ali Shad
I've seen the progress of this data collection. This is at least 30-60 days of work by usefyi team. As a remote worker, this will be THE resource I will look at again and again. Great job! @hnshah @marie_prokopets Can't wait to read it!
Marie Prokopets
@hnshah @aazar_ali_shad Thanks so much for the feedback and for following along as we gathered info for the report. We put a lot of time, head and heart into this - really happy to hear that it's valuable for you. Let us know if there's anything else you'd like to learn about, categories of tips you want more of, whatever - we're going to keep going :)
Nazar Atamaniuk
Will try this product, our whole team is remote!
Marie Prokopets
@nazar482 Awesome! Would love to hear what you think once you read it and check out the tips :)
Waikit Lau
This is timely and awesome! I can't tell you how much remote work has floated to top of mind in my conversations with companies and people. However, it has to be thoughtfully designed at the company level for it to work great, and this is a great start at that.
Marie Prokopets
@waikit So glad to hear - thanks for the feedback! Totally agree with you that remote has to be thoughtfully designed at the company level, otherwise things can fall apart really easily and the challenges we mention in the report can set in, making remote painful and frustrating.
Matt Harney
Awesome and thorough content as usual from @marie_prokopets @hnshah
Marie Prokopets
@hnshah @matthew_harney Thanks so much Matt!
Matt Nish
Awesome work!
Marie Prokopets
@mattnish Thank you Matt!
Manuela Bárcenas
I love the creativity put into this report! The tips and practices section was very helpful, and I especially enjoyed the "remote pets" and "embarrassing moments" sections 🐶😄Compiling tweets from different remote workers was a great idea! Well done @marie_prokopets and @hnshah
Marie Prokopets
@hnshah @manuelabarcenas Thanks so much for the feedback Manuela! We had a lot of fun creating the report :) And the pets were my favorite part too - I wish I could have included every pet that got submitted ❤️
Pradip Khakhar
Hey Hiten and Marie. Thanks, for putting this together very insightful. Working remotely is awesome. It will be very hard to get me back to going into an office on a daily basis. 🙌🏼
Marie Prokopets
@pradipcloud Glad to hear you love working remotely and found the report valuable! 😺
Kai Gradert
I love these reports. With great tips and insights all across the board. And a beautiful presentation.
Marie Prokopets
@kaigradert Thank you so much Kai - also we really appreciated your tip! :)
Working remote was the best thing that ever happened to me.
Marie Prokopets
@gmuldark Yes! Same here!
Hiten Shah
@gmuldark it's the only thing I know! love that people are catching on ;)
Joshua Voydik
Nice work, Marie and Hiten. You are awesome—thanks for making this.
Marie Prokopets
@joshvoydik Thanks! I have been slacking on the workouts (and sleep) to focus on this 😹
Arlo Gilbert
Great report. Our company is entirely distributed (I hate the word remote because it suggests loneliness and isolation). Being remote allows us to hire the best regardless of geography. With good processes, good tools, and great video conferencing I have more and higher quality team interactions than I ever did in an office. One bit of feedback to the company making this though, I can't figure out what you do and clicking on your home page icons immediately ask for permission to access all of my Google docs... Scary!
Hiten Shah
@arlogilbert thanks for your thoughts on remote work. I agree about the word. It's one of those words that has a stigma and yet might never change. We had many internal discussions about it and I've ranted on podcasts about it to. Appreciate your feedback on the FYI sign up process, thanks for sharing your opinion.
James McKinven
Enjoyed this - a really good read. Nice work FYI.
Marie Prokopets
@jmckinven Thank you James!
Daniel Sodkiewicz
But how is this even qualifying as a product? Or the product hunt is just turning into a site to share urls to articles?
Marie Prokopets
@dansodkiewicz you can find tons of examples of reports on Product Hunt, here's one from AngelList from 4 years ago - https://www.producthunt.com/post... If you're looking for even more of a product experience than the remote report provides, check out the remote tips directory, which is a companion site to the report. https://usefyi.com/remote-work-t...
Drew Falkman
Great info about remote work. Why more companies don't have this as a regular part of their working options today is a major mystery for me working at an all-remote company.
Hiten Shah
@drewfalkman Companies can be slow to change especially because of how used to they are of their current way of working.
Kevin Aguirre
Does it show, what are the best remote work jobs and where to find them? I was looking to work remotely and thought this would be helpful.
Marie Prokopets
@kev_aguirre Hi Kevin - in the tips directory when you click on an individual you can see if their company is hiring or not. Here's an example: https://usefyi.com/remote-work-t... You should also check out We Work Remotely and AngelList, which both have plenty of remote roles listed.
Maarten De Schuymer
Very interesting but: 1. This is not a product? 2. Main challenges for remote work: graph is showing 42% everywhere? What am I missing that I dont know how to interpret this graph?
Marie Prokopets
@maarten_de_schuymer1 Hi Maarten, Product Hunt is a place for people to launch things like products and even reports and podcasts, it's been that way for years. We also have a product as part of our launch, it's a directory of remote worker tips, it's linked above in the resources section and is in the report itself. As for the graph, thank you so much for catching that in the PDF. That graph appears correctly in the landing page and we're fixing the PDF now.
Anfernee Chansamooth
@marie_prokopets @hnshah this is fantastic. I'm hosting a Remote Business Summit in November. Would love to share this report with everyone that registers, and have you share some of your findings and remote work tips in a talk if you're interested. Let me know.
Marie Prokopets
@hnshah @anferneec Thanks for the feedback and would love to hear more details. If you go to our website https://usefyi.com/ and hit "contact us" you can send us a Drift.