Kevin William David

Fyle - One-click business expense management inside gmail

Fyle offers one - click expense management right inside Gmail and Outlook. Fyle helps people autocapture expense details like Currency, Amount, Merchant, Category, Tax, ID along with the receipt with a single click process.

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Siva Narayanan
Hi Folks! I’m one half of the founding team at Fyle and am responsible for all the build breaks. We’re super-excited to share Fyle with the PH community. Thanks to Kevin for hunting us! Fyle was born out of addressing a personal frustration. I was on the road most of the time and had no clue about my professional expenses. There were many times where I lost money because of the sheer pain involved in submitting my claims to my company. All the apps I tried expected me to be disciplined and the reality was, setting aside a Sunday afternoon going through a mountain of invoices to get my money back. We wanted Fyle to work for undisciplined folks like us. So we built a chrome extension which sits on top of your gmail. Fyle uses fancy-pants AI algorithms to extract amount, merchant and category information and saves everything with a single click. We’re offering Product Hunt users an exclusive 2 months free usage. We’re here if you have any questions. Please do share your advice and ideas on how we can improve Fyle! Thanks, Siva
Abhishek Madhavan
Really well thought out and super convenient to use ->use it for tracking all my business related expenses. Well done guys! Is this a pure business product or any plans to venture into letting users track and plan all personal expenses as well?
Yash Madhusudan
Thanks @abhishekmadhavn ! We are currently focussing on business expenses, having said that a lot of our users find it convenient to track personal expenses as well. As a product, we would look at the personal finance use case in the future.
Lalit Mohan
simplest in the category i have used so far. fyle works as advertised and keeps getting better.
Yash Madhusudan
Thanks @mlalit !
Ish Jindal
Great work guys! We used it for our year end expense filing and it worked like a charm :)
Yash Madhusudan
@jindalish Thanks for your appreciation ! Our team loves it :-)
Satej Sirur
What a clever idea to put expense tracking in the mailbox with an extension! I can imagine all kinds of business utility you can tack on in the future once you understand where employees are spending most.
Dre Durr💡
Very Dope🚬🚬 I can see tying this into so may things
Yash Madhusudan
@dredurr thanks for the appreciation!
Avi Zuber
This looks great! Which services does it currently work for and what would be the process for adding new services as a user? I love how it auto-fills info for Uber, wondering where else it works.
Siva Narayanan
@avizuber Fyle auto-parses for a wide variety of merchants - Uber, Lyft, Amazon, Airbnb, Square, Paypal, various hotel and flight booking sites, SaaS vendors. We also use a ML based mechanism for less popular merchants. We're constantly getting better at recognizing more receipts automatically.
Avi Zuber
@k2_181 Awesome. Maybe (if you have not done so already) use analytics to snoop on users so you can catch popular ones you might want to add, and/or give users a way to submit requests? Kudos on putting this together.
Siva Narayanan
@avizuber we do keep track of cases where we weren't able to extract data automatically. Anything that didn't work becomes a test-case and we measure how we're doing statistically and improve on it every week. Thanks for your kind words - means a lot to our small team!
Kevin William David
Fyle helps capture and track business expenses from your Gmail with a single click. Fyle auto extracts expense information for a large number of merchants so you don't have to do any data entry.
Siva Narayanan
@kwdinc Thanks for hunting us!
Jerry Vachaparambil
Can you help me track Uber bills and airport purchases that I have a credit card bill for, but might not have a receipt for?
Yash Madhusudan
@jerrygvk Hi Jerry, we are adding support for connecting your personal credit card. Btw, you can def track uber bills from your inbox directly from Fyle.
Mark Osborne
What accounting integrations do you support? Xero?
Yash Madhusudan
@mposborne we'll soon be supporting Quickbooks online and Xero
Siva Narayanan
@franciskim_co thank you!
Tejaswi R
I love the way Fyle scrapes the email and fills amount, categorizes and key fields automatically. Super time saver. Be it invoices from Paypal or Uber!
Siva Narayanan
@tejazz89 Thank you, Tejaswi!
Andreas Duess
Exceptionally well put together, especially given that most receipts these days arrive via email. Well done, team.
Siva Narayanan
@andreasduess thank you for your kind words!
Siva Narayanan
Want to give shoutout to our team at Fyle who made all of this possible.