GAFAnomics: New Economy, New Rules - The key success factors of Google, Apple, Facebook & Amazon


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Elisa Jo Harkness
More than half of ‘Unicorn’ startups valued at or over $1B have found their success by building and scaling on the scaffolding that GAFA companies - Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon - have built.    Last year, Fabernovel released the study GAFAnomics: New Economy, New Rules, detailing how Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon – GAFA – were fundamentally reshaping business strategy for the 21st century.   Today we're releasing our new study, 4 Superpowers to Outperform in the Network Economy. It analyzes the best practices of major internet players and distills four types of enterprise characteristic of the wildest success stories, such as Uber and Netflix:   ·       Magnetic: the company exploits and monetizes micro points of value;  ·       Intimate: the company knows its clients and engages with them in such a way so as to give the impression they are conversing with a friend and not a retailer; ·       Real time: the business adapts its products, its offer, its past experience, and future projects in real time; ·       Infinite: the company reaches a critical size through client acquisition at minimal cost.