Alenzeli Ramji

Gamercoin - Convert your video game playtime into redeemable currency


We want people to be rewarded for doing what they love. Often times that's just sitting back and playing video games. So we figured why not find a way for people to earn currency and rewards for doing exactly that? For every hour you play you get paid.

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Alenzeli Ramji
👋 Thanks for stopping by guys. I'm Al. Awesome to see you're interested in what we're doing. 🥳 Matt, Gabe and I are over the moon to be launching Gamercoin. I'm an avid gamer, and I'm sure everyone's hit that mindset of guilt when playing video games in the evening or weekend - "Man I really need to prep for work tomorrow". 😰Gaming is a huge guilty pleasure for so many people- we wanted to get rid of that stigma and make gaming rewarding. ❓We thought is there a way to make gaming lucrative for casual players? Less guilty, more pleasure is what we aimed for. 💰We're doing that by rewarding you for the time you're playing video games. For every hour you spend gaming you generate virtual currency. Currently we only connect to Steam, but plan to connect to every gaming network & user base there is. 👁️ We're building a currency and marketplace backed entirely by gaming. Entirely by the hours you want to spend doing what you want. As we move forward we'll make it possible to buy games, food, services all with Gamercoin. 🏠 We hope you'll join us for the ride. You can join our Discord Community here:
Mike Mahlkow
Nice, earning rewards for playing video games sounds fun. Do I generate the same number of coins playing any game? How do you pick your partners for the deals?
Alenzeli Ramji
@mikemahlkow 1. Yup, right now we’ll track your active playtime from Steam and generate a coin per an hour for anything you play. We plan to connect to other platforms soon to give more access (hearing more & more people using Gamepass & PSN) **There are some other ideas here to reward trophy hunters and the like** 2. We want users to be directing which brand partners we work with going forward. A big part of our push in the next few weeks will be creating these feedback loops as we build the community. For now, this will be hosted on our Discord & with the user groups we’ve been speaking with when building the products. Anything you’d like to see, Mike?